Ultimate Quicksilver
Well-Known Member
Hey i found the cheat code for unlocking all the alternate skins is it ok to post it here or is that a no no?
The first thing I did playing the game was unlocking all the characters and the skins.
Hey i found the cheat code for unlocking all the alternate skins is it ok to post it here or is that a no no?
E, I think you can also go up to a platform and push a big crate off onto a glass panel in the floor, shattering the glass, and giving you and alternate path to the other side. Then you can use your whole group!
Who isn't :wink:
I think outfit 3 tends to be a different character altogether (War Machine, Beta Ray Bill, USAgent, Scarlett Spider).
Because if that was the outcome Doom would know. And Galactus isn't really a bad guy. he's a force of galactic nature.
did you use any of the cheats E?
getting game friday so curious as to easy they work (some games putting in cheats can be annoyingly hard.)
I haven't, but I'm tempted. I want to use Daredevil and given my history for finishing games (I NEVER finish games) and the fact that I'm not playing online I might as well just do it.
I will be playing online but I would cheat. All it costs is achivemt points and all they are for is bragging.
I wont use health cheats or god mode or anything like that just characters and costumes so I can have the team i want from get go.
Do you not have xbox live or are you just not bothering playing this online? Because i've been trying in posts to get the xbox people to all play together on line in co-op
yes you can only have a few per team (4 players i'm guessing) but we could spilt up into groups to play co-op and each could use there fave (or close it) character. E.g I would be black spider-man.
Doom would know what?
I know Galactus is a force of nature, but lets look at it this way; Dr. Doom w/ Odinforce = raging inferno, Galactus = the sun.