Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 News

The ending was weak. There should of been a huge cutscene of everyone battling Uber-Doom, and him wasting them all. Than he is attacked by Dark Phoenix who was "killed" earlier in the game. They dissappear into the abyss or something battling each other.
The ending was weak. There should of been a huge cutscene of everyone battling Uber-Doom, and him wasting them all. Than he is attacked by Dark Phoenix who was "killed" earlier in the game. They dissappear into the abyss or something battling each other.
That would only be one of an alternate number of endings, as that would only happen if you didn't save Jean.

Still, that would've been very cool.
I just have relatively mixed feelings about how they were used. They were virtual non-players in the storyline --- the X-Men have significant involvement in the Mephisto and Arcade stages, yet the 4 are almost unacknowledged in terms of their acquaintance with The Skrulls and Galactus and Doctor Doom --- and their voice actors (especially Reed and Sue) kinda stank.

Oh, yeah I noticed that too.
Well they did do custom dialog scattered early on, but I'm guessing the last level was the last thing they worked on and it probably was crunch time

That's no excuse. C.B. supposedly wrote most of that game, which means he should have written that early in production. Soundfiles and text balloons are not hard to write into a game, crunch time or no.
Well they did do custom dialog scattered early on, but I'm guessing the last level was the last thing they worked on and it probably was crunch time
Like many creative endeavors, games aren't usually developed in a linear fashion, from first level to end, and instead are developed simultaneously, so I don't think the Doom levels were necessarily made during crunch time.

And even if they were, that's no excuse.
Like many creative endeavors, games aren't usually developed in a linear fashion, from first level to end, and instead are developed simultaneously, so I don't think the Doom levels were necessarily made during crunch time.

And even if they were, that's no excuse.

well the entirety of the Doom-Earth levels were pretty ****ty so I imagine it was very rushed

at the end I was like "That's It?" :?
UGH, I hate it when they take concepts like this, choosing sides and all that. Plus I didn't really like Civil War at all. So this, displeases me
Wow those cut-scenes looked TERRIBLE in comparison to MUA 1's,

weird cartoony style no thanks

am I the only one who saw Cable standing behind Cap?
OK, I didn't like Civil War all that much, but I admit the Iron Man/Wolverine fusion move was cool.
The only reason I can think of the cut-scenes being lesser in quality is that there will probably be more cut scenes in the game. Still it's a shame because those old cut scenes were great. And really, Cable?
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That looked cool. Some cut scenes look bad but It didn't say what console the clips were from. Some clips looked great others no. End of trailer it mentioned all them. Maybe horrible graphics = ps2/wii version, the ones that looked good = ps3/360 version.

Also I love the choose your side idea. This time when I play through it'll be different when I restart it. I like that. Makes me want to play again.
UGH, I hate it when they take concepts like this, choosing sides and all that. Plus I didn't really like Civil War at all. So this, displeases me
I honestly don't mind.

I mean okay, fine, I enjoyed Civil War... but honestly, these games --- X-Men Legends, X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance --- have never been really about one single story but about cherry picking as many concepts and stuffing as many characters as possible into one game in an attempt to please the broadest range of fans possible.

To actually nit pick that is utterly beside the point, since from the very beginning the whole point of these games has been to just been a big ole masturbatory sandbox of Marvel characters, which I have generally enjoyed (even if I have a ton of criticisms about them).

I sincerely doubt they're going to construct the game so that you'll be forced to keep Pro-Reg and Anti-Reg heroes apart from each other, since the developers probably want to avoid preventing fans from NOT being able to create line ups of their choice.

Two designs are likely then:

Either the design is going to be about taking the Pro-Reg and Anti-Reg with ONLY Captain America and Iron Man having their affiliations constant, and some characters locked (clearly at some point players will have to fight Thor, for example, even if it means using that ridiculous rubber stomp move that Mr. Fantastic has) if not totally unplayable (like Angel and Beast in XML2) because they have a position in the story. This means that if they're smart they will try to script all the playable characters to have a rationale to be Pro or Anti-Reg.

Or the design will have one master path that may or may not have some branching scenarios and the characters can be unlocked and at some point the sides of the Pro-Reg and Anti-Reg converge so that Human Torch and Iron Man can be playable together or something. I suspect this is most likely, since the developers don't really try to follow existing storylines too closely, and it's probable that this whole Ultimate Alliance Civil War is just a story ruse for a Big Bad who is conspiring to get the heroes to beat on each other, just as the XML2 Apocalypse Age was not an alternate reality but merely a scenario in which Apocalypse really did mount a good shot at taking over the world.