Hobgoblin baby!!!
I will be using this costume (and green goblin) all the time. Awesome.
Hobgoblin baby!!!
Ms. Marvel's alt.
I like how Ms. Marvel apparently has after affects trailing her as she fights. Very Cool.
And is anyone else hoping that we get Bucky's uniform as Cap for Cap's alternate?
As to the question (?) from Gemini, I know She-Hulk is playable from several reliable sources
What exactly are these "sources"? the IMDB voice-cast list? She-Hulk, Maria, and Dagger (Cloak too) are all NPC's or "Non-Playable Characters"
She-Hulk and Sentry are DS exclusives.
*Dies of happiness*Iceman haas been officially revealed.
Somewhere Ice is happy.
Also, Blade,Psylock and Cyclops are Wii exclusives and She-Hulk and Sentry are DS exclusives.
What the hell is X-Men Ronin? Also, Penance's nipple ring makes me laugh.
Sweet. :rockon:Iceman's alt. It's his look from X-men Ronin
I have to say I'm not that big of fan of most of the designs. Some just look odd. Add that with the lack of alternative costumes and the civil war plot line (which I really don't like) Looks like I won't be getting this game since nothing is appealing to me.
There are Alts.
But isn't there only like one alternate per character? That's lame
Iceman didn't really do much, but he had an excellent design.