Marvel Super Hero Squad show

How about let's not be condescending to others and just stick to the topic at hand? This is the last I'm going to see any of this.
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I am wondering how they got such a mighty voice cast for this random cartoon.

Moley-moo! The show is so much fun! How can you not stand it? :(

Honestly. I just don't like it. I saw episode I liked ""Game Over for Owlman!" (i think) the one with batman teaming with the red hood (joker) I thought that pretty clever.

But overall I don't like the animation. I don't like the voices. I don't enjoy the plot. Now if you like it that's cool dude. I just don't enjoy it. It's not what I want from a batman cartoon.

But yes, I don't want that style for this cartoon.
For me, that's exactly it. It's "SO MUCH FUN LOL HE'S BIKING TO THE MOON!!!!".... who cares? What the hell does any of this have to do with Batman or the Green Arrow?

Cartoons ARE serious business sometimes. Like Timmverse Batman. Which I think is what they should still be going for. You know, closer to that whole The Dark Knight thing you also nag on people for not liking.

There is nothing wrong with making cartoons at aimed kids. Kids don't read comic books anymore so there is nothing wrong with comic book companies trying to make cartoons that are aimed at the younger demographics, it means you can get money from different sources, instead of just from fan boys.
There is nothing wrong with making cartoons at aimed kids. Kids don't read comic books anymore so there is nothing wrong with comic book companies trying to make cartoons that are aimed at the younger demographics, it means you can get money from different sources, instead of just from fan boys.

Any thing to make new younger fans is always good too.
Tons of serious, hugely successful cartoons are aimed at kids. Like the entire Timmverse.

That doesn't mean every cartoon has to be like that, there are tons of cartoons that were very silly and fun like Animaniacs, that was good and kids liked it.

Not all cartoons have to be the same and not all cartoons have to go out of their way to appeal to fan boys.
Tiny Toons and Animaniacs, while both aimed at Kids, had enough intelligent jokes in there to be viewed and loved by Adults.

Much like the Brave and the Bold does now a days, though most people can't get past the whole 'kid thing' of it.

For those of you who say it doesn't, look at the Bat Mite episode, then tell me it doesn't.
I saw an episode on Brave and the Bold, did not grab my interest. I would rather have a more serious cartoon, but I whole heartily support making super hero cartoons target more for kids as long as it remains entertaining.
It has nothing to do with "aimed at kids/aimed at fanboys" or the amount of intelligence in the scripts to me.... B:TAS was serious and dark, and kids still ate it up. Anyone I know who loves Batman now was introduced to him by that show. Serious or silly, kids will like it if it's good. That's all that matters.

And as such, I don't like the idea of a "silly" Batman cartoon, because it's not the purpose of the character. I don't like the idea of a "serious" Animaniacs either.
Okay, we get it, we're stupid because we like it, and we're wrong because we don't agree with you.

Now can we get back on topic please?

Has there been any solid leaks about how the format will be? Story arcs, soft arcs like B:tB&tB or 100% stand alone episodes?
Personally I would like either 1 of 2 styles either a) Tiny Toons style or b) Teen Titans Style. Possibly a mixture of the two.
I know Doom and the villains are looking for scattered pieces of a sword. Probaly magical.
And as such, I don't like the idea of a "silly" Batman cartoon, because it's not the purpose of the character. I don't like the idea of a "serious" Animaniacs either.

His "purpose"? And here I thought the purpose of characters was to tell stories.

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