Marvel Rivals Timeline/Reading Order

New "At Your Service" Gallery Card came out and it has some interesting things but most notably timeline implication wise:

• HERBIE mentions Johnny and Spider-Man currently being on patrol (meaning that this is before Spidey leaves for the Spider-Islands)

• He mentions Sue on a recon mission in Central Park

• He mentions things not going well the last time he left (which I believe is referencing Susan's story)

I think the Card goes after Invisible Woman's story and some time before the Web Warriors card but what other suggestions do we have for Susan/At Your Service's placement.

I considered the card running concurrently with Spidey's bc of Peter/Johnny patrolling but I don't see them and Sue being in Central Park with nothing coming from it.
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I think the Card goes after Invisible Woman's story and some time before the Web Warriors card but what other suggestions do we have for Susan/At Your Service's placement.
I agree as that is the most logical placement, but it could be before sue's story where her being at central park is the 6 days earlier before she was out of action that herbie mentioned in her story, whilst the other things (reed's machine and spidey
+ johnny) could also take place back then. But i think the placement you have is pretty good.

Also, i saw a guy break down the lore for every map/level, which they all sort of have a story that follows one another for each world. I know they repeatedly get played and you repeat the same maps, but is the story of the maps worth adding (e.g. Tony and reed's dispute on how to deal with the vampires, which is the reason the midtown map/cart push happens). Do you think they should be added?

Here is the video i saw:
I agree as that is the most logical placement, but it could be before sue's story where her being at central park is the 6 days earlier before she was out of action that herbie mentioned in her story, whilst the other things (reed's machine and spidey
+ johnny) could also take place back then. But i think the placement you have is pretty good.

Also, i saw a guy break down the lore for every map/level, which they all sort of have a story that follows one another for each world. I know they repeatedly get played and you repeat the same maps, but is the story of the maps worth adding (e.g. Tony and reed's dispute on how to deal with the vampires, which is the reason the midtown map/cart push happens). Do you think they should be added?

Here is the video i saw:

Even before watching the video I was considering where the maps would fit into it. Before putting it together I also considered fitting in the Rivals Originals Skin Bios into the timeline too but it seemed like too much working on too little.

Since I actually trust Rivals to progress its story I won't add the maps just yet since I'm waiting for them to be properly addressed/resolved in future seasons. I might add the Eternal Night Stages when Season 1 wraps up depending on how everything goes
Before putting it together I also considered fitting in the Rivals Originals Skin Bios into the timeline too but it seemed like too much working on too little.

I might add the Eternal Night Stages when Season 1 wraps up depending on how everything goes
I agree that is probably the best decision atm, so we are better of waiting for the season to finish and the Dracula storyline rounded off.

With the skins, I thought the same as you but most of them are quite vague bios. And also some skins could be seen as characters from different universes (for example the spiderman 2 skin), I asked on the marvel wiki if they should be added as characters and they said it only should be added if the characters affect the story (for example if the spiderman 2 skin is in a lore page and starts fighting Dracula or something). So unless the character's/skin's bio has an impact on the story, they shouldn't be added.
I just went through the Team Up profiles.
It'll likely change as more Hero Stories/Gallery Lore drops and narrows down specifics of when some of these characters cross paths but these are the tentative placements for now (as always open to feedback)

• Team Up Profile "Ragnarok Rebirth"
-Pre-Entanglement at some nebulous point in the past that I'm confident placing at the beginning

• Team Up Profile "Metallic Chaos"
-Some time after Magneto's story. I'm either placing it right after it or after Psylocke's since it kind of runs concurrently

• Team Up Profile "Voltaic Union"
-Cap and Storm have proven worthy at some nebulous time in the past which is corroborated by Spidey's dialogue so I'll place it Pre-Entanglement

• Team Up Ability "Planet X Pals"
-Dipping into more vague territory the description mentions Jeff returning the pieces of Groot to him which lines up pretty well with the group meeting in Winter Celebration so I'll place it right after

• Team Up Ability "Symbiote Bond"
-Another vague one but since Peter and Peni have already met by this point I'm placing it after the Web Warriors Gallery Card

• Team Up Ability "Gamma Charge"
-I was initially going to place it after "Fickle Banner" but mentioning Strange's Astral Projection threw that plan off. I'm thinking about putting it just before Scarlet Witch's story since it'd have to be before Strange's body returns in "Ancient Game" and we don't know how long Strange was reaching out to other Sorcerer Supremes (maybe we do and I'm blind idk). Only other way to justify it Pre-Entanglement/earlier imo is if Strange is just Astral Projecting normally and not actually trapped

• Team Up Profile "Ammo Overload"
-I may place it after the Fortune and Colors Gallery Card since it lines up surprisingly well with the groups involved with Wakanda. We already knew about Bucky and Widow/Quill being in Wakanda could justify Frank/Rocket being there too.

• Team Up Profile "Dimensional Shortcut"
-I'm placing it after Psylocke's story since it actually fits really well. Magik is gathering mutants (placing it after her visiting Krakoa) and Psylocke is in Wakanda recovering from being imprisoned by Collector (lines up with her space escape in her mini arc with Jeff/Mantis)

• Team Up Profile "Lunar Force"
-The language is vague enough to suggest it occurring before the Entanglement but Cloak and Dagger's story calling Moon Knight "Tony Stark's ally" indicates that they aren't really associates before that. Atm I'll place it just after C&D's story

• Team Up Profile "Guardian Revival"
-Currently placing it after Quantum Slingshot since Quill was familiar with Adam's cocoon there, the profile mentions Mantis getting her new body, and the Guardians are reunited here

• Team Up Profile "Chilling Charisma"
-Mentions the events of Luna's story and Jeff's presence puts it vaguely after both (it feels great seeing things line up with what we already have)

• Team Up Profile "Allied Agents"
-Nat and Clint reuniting could put it after the Stars Aligned trailer or before the Fortune and Colors Gallery Card. Leaning towards the former until there's more to work with

• Team Up Profile "Atlas Bond"
-It mentions the Training Bots seen in the Wakandan Empire Practice Range meaning that's it some time around Fortune and Colors since Lin Lie has joined the team by then. I'm putting it after since I feel like Lin wouldn't have been as homesick in the Gallery Card if he had Luna with him there

• Team Up Profile "ESU Alumnus"
-Peter is in class and not fighting vampires so I'm putting it Pre-Entanglement before Fickle Banner and after Voltaic Union

• Team Up Profile "Fastball Special"
-It's extremely vague and you could argue that it's Pre-Entanglement but the phrasing "tossed Logan between the floors" makes me think it's happening in Wakandan Training Area and it's just a point where Hulk is part of Cap's Avengers. For now I'll put it just before Fortune and Colors Gallery Card since it seems like the most harmless spot to put it without more details

• Team Up Profile "Fantastic Four"
-Johnny getting used to not flaming on in the shield kind of leads me to believe that it's relatively early into their lockdown. I'm sure there's a better placement (I swear I'm missing something) but rn I think I'll put it just after the Thicker Than Blood gallery card
yeah I think those placements are pretty good to me, for ammo overload rocket is part of that universes guardians of the galaxy (quill, rocket, groot, mantis, adam warlock) which reunite later so there is no question why he is there but i guess frank somehow got there like black widow and the others etc. Also, for gamma charge, I thought I remember seeing something about strange in the astral plane often in some lore entry or something but I'm not too sure. It probably takes place when you said, but if hulk just made the belt then the levels/map lore have to be set after that because when you play as hulk he has the belt on.

Also, are you thinking of adding some of the other trailers seeming as you added the stars aligned trailer. I will admit most of them are quite vague, mainly gameplay and take place in multiple universes, but for the ones that aren't, like No one rivals doom trailer and rivals til the end. Should they be added?
yeah I think those placements are pretty good to me, for ammo overload rocket is part of that universes guardians of the galaxy (quill, rocket, groot, mantis, adam warlock) which reunite later so there is no question why he is there but i guess frank somehow got there like black widow and the others etc. Also, for gamma charge, I thought I remember seeing something about strange in the astral plane often in some lore entry or something but I'm not too sure. It probably takes place when you said, but if hulk just made the belt then the levels/map lore have to be set after that because when you play as hulk he has the belt on.

Also, are you thinking of adding some of the other trailers seeming as you added the stars aligned trailer. I will admit most of them are quite vague, mainly gameplay and take place in multiple universes, but for the ones that aren't, like No one rivals doom trailer and rivals til the end. Should they be added?
The No One Rivals Doom and Rivals Til the End trailers occupy my mind 30 hours of the day and they were the first things I wanted to put in the timeline. The primary issue is that, while I think they're canon, they jump around a lot so there's no clean way to place it and I don't feel like dividing them by timestamp.

Hopefully as more seasons roll around and the gaps for the lore seen in trailers get filled (Peni with Rocket/T'Challa/Magneto, Magik in New York, Jeff with Doreen, etc.) it'll be easier for me to break up and get the nerve to divide it

But on the topic I was considering placing the Season 1 Eternal Night trailer just after Thicker Than Blood since it mostly deals with Dracula's rise to power. Main thing holding me back is the F4 going to confront him throwing me off, but I'll still probably put it down
Here is a list of the four trailers that don't feature any gameplay and are just cinematic:

-Season 1 Eternal Night Falls Trailer -- You have already added it.

-Season 0: Dooms' Rise Trailer -- this sort of goes through the season 0 gallery cards with Galacta giving a summary of what is happening (doom starting the timestream entanglement thing). It is hard to really place it because like the others it jumps around a lot, it takes place in between some levels/map lore. The best place I have for it, although not that great, is in between gallery cards 'let there be rivals' and 'your biggest fan'.

-Rivals 'Til the End -- it showcases pretty much all of the team up abilities so it would probably take place after most of the team up profiles. other than that I got nothing lol.

-No One Rivals Doom -- it takes place in multiple locations and during multiple different times during the lore that we are yet to see. like you said, we have to wait until the lore fills out the gaps but even then it might need timestamps because, 1. Peni, Rocket and Black Panther team up and Magneto is there fighting 2099 doom bots which haven't been mentioned yet. 2. the Loki/Thor situation which is part of the Asgard map lore. 3. Iron Man, Magik and Psylocke (psylocke was in the other trailer in what looks like the same place) are fighting during the eternal night falls part of the lore. 4. The two Dooms face off, but that could just be when the realities merged.

I think that 'rivals til the end' and 'no one rivals doom' will need timestamps if placed on the timeline because even if they add more lore, it still wont make it able for the whole trailers to be placed at one point on the timeline as they are scattered among different times/events of the lore.
Here is a list of the four trailers that don't feature any gameplay and are just cinematic:

-Season 1 Eternal Night Falls Trailer -- You have already added it.

-Season 0: Dooms' Rise Trailer -- this sort of goes through the season 0 gallery cards with Galacta giving a summary of what is happening (doom starting the timestream entanglement thing). It is hard to really place it because like the others it jumps around a lot, it takes place in between some levels/map lore. The best place I have for it, although not that great, is in between gallery cards 'let there be rivals' and 'your biggest fan'.

-Rivals 'Til the End -- it showcases pretty much all of the team up abilities so it would probably take place after most of the team up profiles. other than that I got nothing lol.

-No One Rivals Doom -- it takes place in multiple locations and during multiple different times during the lore that we are yet to see. like you said, we have to wait until the lore fills out the gaps but even then it might need timestamps because, 1. Peni, Rocket and Black Panther team up and Magneto is there fighting 2099 doom bots which haven't been mentioned yet. 2. the Loki/Thor situation which is part of the Asgard map lore. 3. Iron Man, Magik and Psylocke (psylocke was in the other trailer in what looks like the same place) are fighting during the eternal night falls part of the lore. 4. The two Dooms face off, but that could just be when the realities merged.

I think that 'rivals til the end' and 'no one rivals doom' will need timestamps if placed on the timeline because even if they add more lore, it still wont make it able for the whole trailers to be placed at one point on the timeline as they are scattered among different times/events of the lore.
Yea the last 2 are definitely timestamp bound, but I'm waiting for more gaps to fill in to have a better idea of where they go to make it all easier. The Season 0 trailer went over my head, I'll add it now
Yea the last 2 are definitely timestamp bound, but I'm waiting for more gaps to fill in to have a better idea of where they go to make it all easier. The Season 0 trailer went over my head, I'll add it now
Yeah, might as well see where the story goes before placing timestamps. You can watch season 0 trailer for yourself because you may find a better placement than me, my placement is quite vague and the trailer could also be separated into timestamps because yet again it takes place in between events.

Also, I know you said that you weren't going to add the comics but if you were the best place would be before 'your biggest fan' gallery card, as Galacta says "You and your pals have been super busy trying to restore your realities, and you've come up with all sorts of wild ideas so far. But none of you can seem to agree on what the best solution is. That's led to some pretty explosive battles...". Unless new lore fits the comics in somewhere else then that is the best position for them or at the end of the timeline like you said, or Galacta is referencing the levels that you play (6v6 games) and not the comics.
Why wouldn't you include the comic? A fun side story means it's inconsequential, not that it's a different universe. Besides, it's far more strongly narrative-driven than everything else here, since... it's a comic.
Yeah my bad, I misinterpreted what they said. I agree it should definitely be added, but it is quite hard to place it at this point in the story because of how many gaps in the lore there are so far.
Why wouldn't you include the comic? A fun side story means it's inconsequential, not that it's a different universe. Besides, it's far more strongly narrative-driven than everything else here, since... it's a comic.
Spider-Man and Peni meet in the comic, but in the card Spider-Man has already met Peni and introduces her

The Web of Life conflict is resolved in the comic while the Spiders are at odds, but the Web Warriors are with Spider-Zero opposing Master Weaver and trying to find a different solution

The comic can't be before the Web Warriors Gallery Card bc the Web of Life dilemma is still ongoing there, and it can't be after bc Peter and Peni would have already known each other meaning the Parker confusion should have never occurred in the comic
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I'm usually the last person to write something off as non-canon but I genuinely don't think the comic fits when accounting for the rest of the game's lore atm
I'm usually the last person to write something off as non-canon but I genuinely don't think the comic fits when accounting for the rest of the game's lore atm
I agree, and although I haven't read all the comics, I find it really difficult for it to fit in unless spiderman gets mind controlled or loses his memory or something.

My only explanation to how it would fit in is this:
-Web warriors -- they all team up and think on how to stop master weaver
-Tokyo 2099 level -- either spiderman gets mind controlled (or something like that happens to him) or he changes his mind on what spider zero is doing (in the attached photo you can see him running to stop her).
-The comics -- Then maybe spiderman takes master weaver's side for some reason and the comics play out, because as far as i know Peni and Peter don't first meet in the comics they just don't know much about each other.
-Tokyo 2099 level part 2 -- the conflict is resolved and they stop master weaver.

BTW this is purely hypothetical so it could be wrong, this is the only way I could think it makes sense. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


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They just put out trailers for the other two Fantastic Four members and the new map (and hinted at Blade). My first thoughts with the map is that it takes place after the midtown map sort of as the end to the Dracula storyline because of the victory/defeat screens showing Iron man, Moon knight and Khonshu getting the formula or Squirrel girl and the others stopping Dracula first. Here are the videos, what do you think?

They just put out trailers for the other two Fantastic Four members and the new map (and hinted at Blade). My first thoughts with the map is that it takes place after the midtown map sort of as the end to the Dracula storyline because of the victory/defeat screens showing Iron man, Moon knight and Khonshu getting the formula or Squirrel girl and the others stopping Dracula first. Here are the videos, what do you think?

I saw these and had very similar thoughts. The Moon Knight one seems like it has Ratatoskr laid out (possibly just freed, putting it first) but I also got the feeling that Squirrel Girl's came first since Moon Knight looks like he's getting his money back and using the Montesi Formula.

Eternal Night's maps are definitely getting added and as much as I want to slap them on now, I'd rather wait for the season to drop so we can line it up with the new Gallery Cards/Season Event information
I saw these and had very similar thoughts. The Moon Knight one seems like it has Ratatoskr laid out (possibly just freed, putting it first) but I also got the feeling that Squirrel Girl's came first since Moon Knight looks like he's getting his money back and using the Montesi Formula.
I agree, but the problem with the victory screens is that they sort of contradict each other. I'm sure we can make it work but at the same time they feel like two different outcomes. For example, in the midtown one, if the defenders win then Moon Knight slices the Fantasticar in half and makes Herbie run away, where as if attackers win then Herbie gets to Avengers tower and puts in the data for scanning the page's locations across New York. The new central park map is similar.

To keep it less confusing, it would be easier to explain as Midtown: Moon knight scares Herbie but Herbie still makes it to Avengers tower and puts in the data, then Central Park: because Herbie makes it Reed/Dr strange/Squirrel Girl's team make it to Dracula first and use Ratatoskr to defeat Dracula, but then Iron Man and Moon Knight take the formula and use it. This makes all the endings make sense and resolves the Dracula plot and whilst killing all the vampires. This is probably a better solution rather than having branching points after each outcome.
Season 1.5 is up and wtf Black Panther has a new story up??? Who else has new lore?

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