Marvel Productions that you dream of...

A dark Spider-Man cartoon, written as if it were in the Marvel Max comics. But has like a Smallville feel to it. With rock, alternative, rap, and maybe techno music playing during the action scenes.

I like that idea the mostest out of the others.

Only NO alternative, rap or maybe techno music but instead Metal
spider-ham coulda made for a cool kids cartoon
I approve.

But it wouldn't just be a five minute cartoon. It would be one of those bizarre Adult Swim type productions --- but without overt references to sex and mature topics --- completely surreal and existing only as five minute shorts in between programs.

And it would be a hit when mobile media becomes teh future made real.

I will develop on this in the frustrated producer thread. :D

But let's face it, all of M. Night's films are about how a tragedy causes a crisis of belief that is ultimately reconciled by an encounter with the supernatural.

I think there's a way to work that into a Guardians of the Galaxy film.

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