I wonder if Earth-760207 (Spider-Man: The New Animated Series) is just an alternate timeline to Earth-96283 (Spider-Man Trilogy) or a composite of Earth-96283 and Earth-701306 (Daredevil/Elektra Duology) due to Wilson Fisk's similarities. Perhaps Daredevil could have occurred in that reality loosely. For simplicity, let's go with the former and assume Kingpin's existence is similar to J. Jonah Jameson and he just looks and sounds the same. Oh, and let's assume the timeline was identical up until December 2002 just to be consistent even if it contradicts the 2003 gravestone in the series, since it could be a hint that it's all a dream sequence.
Either way, we know that Earth-71002 (Spider-Man: Friend or Foe) is considered a divergent reality, one in which none of the villains die... sounds familiar to a recent Spider-Man movie, lol.