Wizard magazine hunts down with Mark Millar and asks what's The Final issue, The Final battle, the final word from writer Mark Millar.
Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch's Ultimates 2 constantly pushes the envelope from mainstream superhero comics while constantly pushing the limits of its readers patience.
Though there have been month-long gaps between issues in the past, Marvel announced that #12 will ship promptly in June, and lucky for fans, that's not quite the end: September sees an action-packed, expanded thirteenth issue to end the team's five year run. Exciting news that makes for a long summer for readers, so to help preserve your sanity, Wizard cornered Millar for dirt on the payoff.
Wizard: The Cover to issue #12 shows just about every Ultimate hero ready to fight. What's going on there?
Millar: It's the biggest set piece we've done yet. This is Bryan Hitch drawing everybody. And I wrote that ending for the very simple reason that I wanted to see Bryan hitch drawing everybody. The Ultimates saving America from those Axis of Evil dudes is going to make [directors] Jim Cameron and Michael Bay look like Woody Allen.
Who's gonna bite it in the end?
Millar: There's one huge death at the end of this run. I ain't saying who, so let the speculation begin.
Will Thor get to cut loose as the Son of Odin, instead of wallowing in self-pity?
Millar: I think Thor fans are going to enjoy the rest of this book.
Will Hank Pym get to redeem himself?
Millar: Sadly, I think Hank Pym fans will want to open a vein.
What's next for the Millar/Hitch team-up?
Millar: Bryan and I have already stared prep work on our next project. It's the biggest undertaking either of us there's a huge amount and we're both already studying hard as there's a huge amount of research involved. It involves more than one book and a lot of characters so we want to make sure we get this absolutely perfect. The book should be huge, by far our most high profile gig, and there might be an announcement at the end of this year's convention season.
What kind of shape are you leaving the Ultimates in as you pass the title to Jeph Loeb and Joe Madureira?
Millar: I think we're leaving them a pretty good book to play with. It's had a remarkable run in terms of sales, awards and fan acclaim, but Jeph and joe are pretty much the only team I'd have wanted to see this go to because they'll do their own thing, I'd have hated to see someone carry on what we were doing or try to imitate us. In the words of Jim Carrey, imitation is the sincerest form of plagiarism. After almost five years. I think a new direction will keep [the book]-and the Ultimate line-very fresh.