October 27, 2025 - Prologue/Foggy's death.
October 1, 2026 - Fisk talks to Vanessa about his mayor candidature.
October 2, 2026 - Bullseye's sentencing. Fisk announces his candidature.
October 23, 2026 - Fisk talks with his mayoral staff. Fisk meets Daniel Blake. Matt meets Heather. NY mayor debate.
October 24, 2026 - Matt and Fisk talk in diner.
October 30, 2026 - Matt and Heather go in a date. Fisk wins recall election.
December 31, 2026 - New Years Celebration. Hector is arrested.
January 5, 2027 - Fiorello La Guardia. Matt meets Hector, pothole, Matt convinces Kirsten of Hector. Matt and Kirsten questioned about taking Hector's case. Hector's arraignment trial. BB meets Fisk. Buck approaches Heather.
January 6, 2027 - Shanahan's funeral. Kirsten talks to Soledad, Matt and Heather vacation fantasy. Hector admits to being White Tiger.
January 7, 2027 - Fisk threatens Gallo. White Tiger information suppressed.
January 8, 2027 - Cherry suspects Hector case is personal, Matt stands outside a church, Matt follows Powell, Heather meets the Fisks, rescue of Nicky.
February 8, 2027 - Coquis, Red Hook murders.
February 9, 2027 - Sheila tells Fisk about Red Hook murders.
February 10, 2027 - Matt and Powell in the bathroom, Cherry checks on Nicky, Powell testifies, Cherry gets Nicky, Nicky testifies, Buck confronts the Five Families, Matt decides to put Hector on the stand, Vanessa thinks Fisk is punishing her for Adam.
February 11, 2027: Matt outs White Tiger, Matt encourages Hector to stop.
February 19, 2027: White Tiger saves testimonies. Closing statements.
February 21, 2027: Matt alone in courtroom.
February 22, 2027: Hector found not guilty, Fisk calls BB in, Matt mentions Foggy to Heather. Fisk tells BB that Hector being free means he failed, Hector killed.
February 23, 2027: Angela at morgue. Muse with a victim.
March 1, 2027: Daniel leaves BB, Leroy arrested, Kirsten tells Matt about Leroy, Heather asks Fisks about affair, Matt meets Leroy, Matt negotiates Leroy to 10 days, Powell denies killing Hector, Sheila convinces Fisk to do Red Hook the right way, Leroy opens up about his past, middle school, Latvian cultural center, Daniel confesses to leak, Matt finds casing, Frank, Vanessa asks if she should feel safe, Matt training, Fisk visits Adam, Muse with other victim.