• Lonnie's story hits bro
• Roger Craig Smith playing a fast guy in red/blue lmao
• Tarantula's mama warned her about him, she should've gone with me instead
• Peter was rocking tf out of the Dusk suit
• Edna Mode just can't stop taking W's
• Norman and Nico support the Sokovia Accords wtf
• There's the news story of Civil War, newspaper of Hulk vs Hulkbuster in Johannesburg, and Norman mentions Ultron.
• Ahhhh oh no Carmilla PLEASE don't use me as a chair, it's my worst nightmare, I'm begging you
• Harry's "Guy in the desk" was funny
• Donovan dropping the "I missed the part where that was my problem" was hilarious
• Lonnie embracing Tombstone…the streets are undefeated, he's on the path to being an opp
• So it's Doc Ock giving the randoms upgrades
• Nooooo Mila spare Spider-Man, do wrestling moves on me instead.
• I absolutely love Peter being a Captain America fan
• Bro got his Spider-Sense from a school bathroom dawg. I think it might be setting up Daredevil helping him hone it into something helpful next episode (Radar Sense experience)