Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)
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Marvel added a new section to their website which shows the placement of every season of every show currently on the Disney+ timeline. Daredevil S2 is between Ant-Man and Luke Cage S1; Jessica Jones S2, Luke Cage S2, Iron Fist S2, and Daredevil S3 are all between Doctor Strange and Thor: Ragnarok; and The Punisher S2 and Jessica Jones S3 are between Thor: Ragnarok and Avenger: Infinity War.

These match up perfectly with the wiki's placements.
Also is there any plan to adjust Defenders placement to pre-Civil War like D+/wikia?
As Iron Fist S1 was already moved last year (after D+/ timeline) on this forum's timeline from July to February 2016. (so halfway done)

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