Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

Is it possible there's a large gap between the Guardians scene in Love and Thunder and the rest of the movie?
I've always believe Groot's growth patterns are sporadic and there doesn't necessarily need to be an explanation on his look being different by the time of the Holiday Special. Vol 3. shows him go full "Kaiju" on the High Evolutionary's planet in no time.
I can't agree with that last statement because it makes Marvel Studios appear to be infallible when they aren't'!
Are you saying we are infallible? Cause we aren't. This isnt a debate about who's more fallible because at the end of the day it will always be us. We aren't the creators, we are not the final say, we work with what we have to deliver the best timelines. We're just better at catching small shit but small details don't mean we're right, it just means they missed it. But when two placements work and we think one thing and Marvel Studios says the other, they're correct. As Rman says, we can largely see where they're coming from with these placements and as long as there's more than one possible answer and we can see where they're coming from then they're the right ones
Is it possible there's a large gap between the Guardians scene in Love and Thunder and the rest of the movie?
I don't think so, but it is more likely Love and Thunder went off of Groot's last seen appearance and not what he was gonna look like the next year. With so many projects releasing at this pace shit gets overlooked and missed. Again these are films, not real life, inconsistencies happen and trying to force every inconsistency into working will lead to more complications later on. If Marvel Studios says it's Fall 2025 there's probably a reason and it's definitely what they'll be using for Thor's next appearance or whatever film references the events of the movie. I gotta be honest LaT placement is absolutely the one I have the most issues with changing, but trying to base our timeline off the growing logic of an alien creature with no reference for how he grows vs. What the actual film studio says may work for us now but not in the long run. Tbf tho if there's any placement I think makes the least sense it's definitely this one
Quick question, will those things be included?

Captain Marvel: StarForce Mission Log
Shang-Chi: Who Guards My Sleep?
Black Panther: The Courage to Dream

Classified S.H.I.E.L.D. Files (Link)
Jessica Jones: Phone Etiquette (Link)
Iron Fist Season 2 - Date Announcement (Link)
Memories (Link)
Leaving It All in the Past (Link)
Sequoia's Instagram Story (Link)
Jennifer Walters' Phone Call Recording (Link)

And that might be a bit too much, but what about:
New York Bulletin Website
Other Promo Newspapers

The Twitter/Google+/Instagram Posts (WHiH World News, Darren Cross, Pym Technologies, Titania, AvengerCon, DailyBugle)
Daily Bugle Articles
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i also would be open to continuing the timeline in a new thread if Dego is unable or changes their mind, not a competition or anything lol just wanting to give you a couple open options, i had been following dirishb's work since 2014 and that really is what drew me into the mcu fandom as a whole in the first place so i would love to continue the integrity of the work done by him and you as well here lebnyx, in fact the timeline and this thread in particular is a massive part of why i am still watching new mcu releases so thank you for everything and much luck in your future
Apparently this is where Kang went at the end of Ant-Man 3:

Shrunk down to the point where he would be in suspended animation until eventually ceasing to exist.
I think we were supposed to look at "Kang" as a group threat rather than an individual one. The fact it took everything Ant-Man's team had to stop one, sets up the threat of how the Avengers would fair against 10s of 1000s of Kangs.
What is the complete list of tie-in books btw?

Under "Inspired Content" there's a fairly complete list of books and comics, idk if there's a more thorough place to look but this is a solid start

Under "Inspired Content" there's a fairly complete list of books and comics, idk if there's a more thorough place to look but this is a solid start
It's not complete though. The Wiki has posts discussing which books are canon, These are good (Thry are acbit older, so just add The Courage to Dream and Who Guards My Sleep, they are 100% canon)
i also would be open to continuing the timeline in a new thread if Dego is unable or changes their mind, not a competition or anything lol just wanting to give you a couple open options, i had been following dirishb's work since 2014 and that really is what drew me into the mcu fandom as a whole in the first place so i would love to continue the integrity of the work done by him and you as well here lebnyx, in fact the timeline and this thread in particular is a massive part of why i am still watching new mcu releases so thank you for everything and much luck in your future
Must we start a new thread? Can't edit permissions be granted to others?
With the timeline book seeming to confirm Love & Thunder in October 2025, I'm curious what the consensus around here is now. The two main issues people have with this placement are Groot's age and the 8 years since the breakup line, but I think both can still work.

1). Groot is a fictional being with sporadic growth (we see him go Kaiju in no time on Counter-Earth in Vol 3. ). So, the growth he would do in the 2 months between Love & Thunder and the Holiday Special doesn't really bother me much.

2). I've always felt as long as the breakup was pre-Ragnarok, the 8 Years 7 Months, and 6 days was fine in 2025. October 2025 would place the breakup around March 2017 and given the movie shows the montage of Thor going on and off-world during the relationship, I think it's feasible for him and Jane to keep up a long-distance relationship while he was searching for Infinity Stones and it took until then for it to come to a head. Plus it kinda makes sense why the woman in New York in Ragnarok would bring it up in November 2017, as it's fresher if it happened in March 2017 than it would be in 2015. I think the 8-year line may have come from them looking at Ragnarok being 8 years ago in Universe and deciding to place it closer to it than Age of Ultron.

Apparently, there's a cut montage of Jane showing her between when she gets her powers and the main events of the film. She also mentions that she first found out she had cancer 6 months prior. If the main events of the movie were in October, this would mean she found out in April, fitting with the 4/30 blood test. If the consensus here isn't open to October 2025, I still feel like October 2024 is a good middle ground for the movie's main events. Keeping the 6 months that Marvel Studios believes is between Jane's blood test and the main events of the movie and placing it closer to what the timeline book shows.

Not saying any changes should be made, just curious about what people's thoughts are.
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