I'm starting to get the feeling that they're making waves in the timeline that will subtly undo a portion of the show's events post-S1.
They didn't tie directly into the films much after S2 with the new Helicarrier for Age of Ultron, right?
Judging from next week's preview, what if a new wave is created where Jiaying never has her near-death experience by Whitehall and this undoes most of season 2 and 3 with the Inhumans?
There wouldn't be any need to bring back Vijay or worry about Felix Blade and the Watchdogs then.
I hope they mapped all these domino effect changes out, if it this were to be true.
Because I think we're leading into the "Endgame" branch soon...
That would be a good explanation as to why something as big as the Inhuman Outbreak was never referenced in the films or other shows (Inhumans excluded). Some would probably have an issue with it, but if the show turns out to not have been in the main timeline the entire time and actually one that was similar enough, I think I'd be OK with it. Especially if the show ends up with them joining the main timeline towards the end.