Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

Sony ended its deal with Marvel:

Meh, we won't see any Spider-Man/Marvel Studios crossover, but any future Tom Holland Spider-Man film is canon, along with Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters if they should do a crossover. That is unless a clear divergence point is established between the two or they reboot the character.

Even though I'm a little ticked off, I have to say, not knowing what's going to happen is quite exciting!

Edit: the Marvel Cinematic Universe wiki is coming to conclusions to quickly. If they use the established Spider-Man movies as history and they aren't declared non-canon or heavily contradict the Marvel Cinematic Universe, why should they be a different universe?
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Awful move on the part of Sony, it has to be cannon unless the Multiverse of Madness boots him out. From what I read Disney wanted to split the profits 50/50 but Sony would only give up 5%, I assume that was for Sony made movies.
I was seeing everywhere that should the last one break $1 billion, they would have to make a third with Disney, but they seemed to have gone back on that. I hope they don't run it into the ground with Venom and other character cross overs. It's success was based off the history of what came before, even the plots were so this is a middle finger to Disney as I see it.
"Much of today's news about Spider-Man has mischaracterized recent discussions about Kevin Feige's involvement in the franchise. We are disappointed, but respect Disney's decision not to have him continue as a lead producer of our next live action Spider-Man film. We hope this might change in the future, but understand that the many new responsibilities that Disney has given him – including all their newly added Marvel properties – do not allow time for him to work on IP they do not own. Kevin is terrific and we are grateful for his help and guidance and appreciate the path he has helped put us on, which we will continue."
So the 2 next Spider-Man movies with Tom Holland will not be canon to the MCU?
Depends. We don't know for sure, but I'm taking it as "if marvel doesn't state it's non-canon and it doesn't contradict the MCU, it's canon". Think of it like the Marvel Studios/Marvel Entertainment fallout.

We can't know yet, of cause. Also, if you look above, my previous comment points out Tom Holland hanging out with Robert Downey Jr post Sony fallout with the text "We did it Mr Stark!".
Depends. We don't know for sure, but I'm taking it as "if marvel doesn't state it's non-canon and it doesn't contradict the MCU, it's canon". Think of it like the Marvel Studios/Marvel Entertainment fallout.

We can't know yet, of cause. Also, if you look above, my previous comment points out Tom Holland hanging out with Robert Downey Jr post Sony fallout with the text "We did it Mr Stark!".
So the 2 future Spider-Man movies will not count anymore as "XXth film of the MCU, XXth of the Phase X"? :(
But they will be canon if Marvel Studios doesn't say anything, and if the movies doesn't contradict the MCU?
So the 2 future Spider-Man movies will not count anymore as "XXth film of the MCU, XXth of the Phase X"? :(
But they will be canon if Marvel Studios doesn't say anything, and if the movies doesn't contradict the MCU?
Why not? They aren't Marvel Cinematic Universe films, but they're a continuation of Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man. Spider-Man 3 is a sequel to Spider-Man: Far From Home, where superheroes exist, so it's not like Marvel characters don't exist in the Spider-Man 3 universe, it's just they cannot reference them. It's silly to create two universes where one goes:

Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters
Captain America: The First Avenger
Captain Marvel
Iron Man
Iron Man 2
The Incredible Hulk
The Avengers
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Black Panther
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Doctor Strange
Thor: Ragnarok
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Endgame
Spider-Man: Far From Home
Venom 2
Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man 4
(Tv shows not included to save time)

...and another one where Spider-Man completely disappears. See, wouldn't it be easier to think of it as Spider-Man's next adventure?

Technically, they could crossover with the MCU Kingpin...
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So the 2 future Spider-Man movies will not count anymore as "XXth film of the MCU, XXth of the Phase X"? :(
But they will be canon if Marvel Studios doesn't say anything, and if the movies doesn't contradict the MCU?

I think contractually Sony isn't allowed to mention the events of the MCU (I would assume that includes past movies like Civil War of Avengers). Same thing for Marvel Studios, they can't mention anything from the upcoming Spidey movies. I think it's a little different from the split between television and studios. I honestly doubt Feige will see the new movies as canon, because he has no insight in their creative process. With the tv shows, storylines need to at least get approved by Marvel.
I honestly doubt Feige will see the new movies as canon, because he has no insight in their creative process.
I think he'll ignore it, but I don't think he'll outright say it's non-canon. Spider-Man doesn't really impact the Marvel universe the way, say X-Men, do and he's very down to earth. They don't need to have an insight into the creative process because it won't have any contradictions, presumably.
From Marvelus, Marvel Cinematic Universe wiki:
Gemma Chan will indeed portray a different MCU character!!! Just as Marheshala Ali portrayed Cottonmouth and now Blade, Gemma Chan who portrayed Minn-Erva and now will be Sersi!

Kit Harrington will not be Moon Knight but Dane Withman/Black Knight. And Barry Keoghan will appear as

Well guys, this is it, I guess Captain Marvel just isn't canon. Man, first Luke Cage, now Captain Marvel, if only an actor could play two people in the same universe. Nah, like that would ever happen.
"Basically, we've made five great movies," Holland told EW. "It's been five amazing years. I've had the time of my life. Who knows what the future holds? But all I know is that I'm going to continue playing Spider-Man and having the time of my life. It's going to be so fun, however we choose to do it. The future for Spider-Man will be different, but it will be equally as awesome and amazing, and we'll find new ways to make it even cooler."

Doesn't sound so bad.

"I'm feeling about Spider-Man gratitude and joy," Feige told EW. "We got to make five films within the MCU with Spider-Man: two standalone films and three with the Avengers. It was a dream that I never thought would happen. It was never meant to last forever. We knew there was a finite amount of time that we'd be able to do this, and we told the story we wanted to tell, and I'll always be thankful for that."

We already knew this, though, right? Feiges time is done with Peter Stark/Iron-Boy, it's time he finally became his own hero for real.

So... the next 2 movies, canon or non-canon?
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