Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 2)

We never rule it out "entirely" but with something that has many inconsistencies with being correct it's just not something we can base decisions on. We always discuss where Disney+ places the film, we always look at their timeline and compare it to what we have and then alter decisioms if needed like with Multiverse of Madness IIRC
And me mentioning it earlier was to compare and discuss where they placed the movie. Especially with something like Wakanda Forever which is vague on its own without that deleted scene. It feels like @fuzzyfoot is upset simply because I mentioned it. I wasn't saying to 100% adhere to it, but the date within the movie matching does say something about the accuracy of their placement.
And me mentioning it earlier was to compare and discuss where they placed the movie. Especially with something like Wakanda Forever which is vague on its own without that deleted scene. It feels like @fuzzyfoot is upset simply because I mentioned it.
I took his comment to be more a shot at the Disney+ Timeline and not at you but maybe I misread that
I took it as him saying "nothing's changed" with me bringing up Disney +, but I could have misinterpreted it.
I am interested in the deleted scene that matches the date. Which scene was it and what did the date say. Deleted stuff isn't always great for accuracy but I'd say it's definitely worth discussing since I believe it's our only real thing so far
I am interested in the deleted scene that matches the date. Which scene was it and what did the date say. Deleted stuff isn't always great for accuracy but I'd say it's definitely worth discussing since I believe it's our only real thing so far
I mentioned it earlier, on the blu ray there is a deleted scene with Ross and a face scan that shows Wednesday, May 7th, 2025. Even though the scene was deleted, I feel it does show where they had the placement of the movie in mind and as someone who used the Wiki's 2025 dates for Moon Knight, it fits perfectly between it and She-Hulk which coincides with the Disney + timeline. The site here has already placed the movie using this date.
I took it as him saying "nothing's changed" with me bringing up Disney +, but I could have misinterpreted it.
It's all of it to be honest. I left 2 months ago because in spite of how many times D+ has been brought up or how many times MK/LAT has been discussed, you continually feel the need to plug your own guide of it being 2025 or using the D+ timeline to validate your own guide as some sort of subtle dig at this forum for being wrong either by simply voting against 2025 or simply disagreeing with you.

I left because I felt that maybe if I did, the conversation would mature and move past the same thing that gets mentioned over and over and over again on here. Maybe it was my fault that it continually got brought up as it seemed like we are at odds on this.

But returning to see on the very most recent page literally the same thing again (MK in 2025, the D+ timeline did this or that) it just proved to me that no, nothing did change even with my absence.
It's all of it to be honest. I left 2 months ago because in spite of how many times D+ has been brought up or how many times MK/LAT has been discussed, you continually feel the need to plug your own guide of it being 2025 or using the D+ timeline to validate your own guide as some sort of subtle dig at this forum for being wrong either by simply voting against 2025 or simply disagreeing with you.

I left because I felt that maybe if I did, the conversation would mature and move past the same thing that gets mentioned over and over and over again on here. Maybe it was my fault that it continually got brought up as it seemed like we are at odds on this.

But returning to see on the very most recent page literally the same thing again (MK in 2025, the D+ timeline did this or that) it just proved to me that no, nothing did change even with my absence.
I brought Disney + up because Wakanda Forever's placement had literally just been posted and it was a recent topic. It didn't come out of the blue. I mentioned Moon Knight as well just to share that IF you did choose to place it in 2025, it would fit. I'm not saying anyone is wrong or has to change their mind and I respect everyone's opinion on this site.
I mentioned it earlier, on the blu ray there is a deleted scene with Ross and a face scan that shows Wednesday, May 7th, 2025. Even though the scene was deleted, I feel it does show where they had the placement of the movie in mind and as someone who used the Wiki's 2025 dates for Moon Knight, it fits perfectly between it and She-Hulk which coincides with the Disney + timeline. The site here has already placed the movie using this date.
Oh awesome I must've completely missed your comment. I think this works well. Assuming then Riri Williams built the device for second semester if she started around Jan-Feb, I believe they said it took her just a few months to build, so May makes sense. I also found that the last day of classes for MIT happens mid May so this would show class still in session making that work out well. Honestly I don't think there's any reason why this date doesn't work. Disney+ did good I think, at least in terms of it being before She-Hulk
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Currently rewatching Wakanda Forever and noticed there should be a week's time jump from Namor's attack in Wakanda and the climax (he mentions returning in a week's time). Events like
Ramonda's funeral and recreating the heart-shaped herb would happen within this week.
The climax is looking to be either the 16th or 17th. I'm going back and forth on if the Wakanda attack would fall on the 9th or 10th.
I brought Disney + up because Wakanda Forever's placement had literally just been posted and it was a recent topic. It didn't come out of the blue. I mentioned Moon Knight as well just to share that IF you did choose to place it in 2025, it would fit. I'm not saying anyone is wrong or has to change their mind and I respect everyone's opinion on this site.
"Disney+ has placed Wakanda Forever between Moon Knight and She-Hulk on their timeline (I have Moon Knight in 2025 ending May 16th, I prefer it in 2025, so I use the wiki dates and She-Hulk beginning Mid-June 2025). I know using the Disney + timeline is controversial, but I think a late May/early June 2025 placement fits with what we're shown in the movie. The fact they didn't lazily place it between Werewolf by Night and the Guardians Holiday Special makes me believe some thought has gone into this placement.

Looking at MIT's schedule for this year, it seems Final Exams fall on the 19th, and 22nd-24th of May and there is a Summer session that Riri could also be a part of, explaining why she could potentially still be at school in June."


"The movie literally had a deleted scene showing a date that matches the Disney + timeline.(the MIT schedule I posted earlier) It may not always be accurate (for the most part I think it is), but it's ridiculous to rule it out entirely."


I bolded what you repeat again and again and again. I struck through the information that isn't needed for both posts, then inserted information that you could have said to backup your claim that you yourself used. Do you see what I'm getting at? Seriously, we get it, you firmly believe that MK is in 2025. Seriously we get it, you firmly believe the D+ timeline is correct or useful to you. As I have mentioned several times on here, I disagree with certain things on this forum during Phase 2 specifically, but I've long since dropped the subject and don't engage with it anymore. This forum is bigger than my continued opinion on that. I just keep my own guide and let this one be what it is.

But need to let the jabs to these points go already. It completely turned me off to coming here and I actively started seeking out an alternative group/forum to this one. You simply don't get it. It's almost feels like a nervous tick for you that you HAVE to bring these points up at every single opportunity you have available to you. Like eventually you are going to wear the majority here down to simply give it to you and adjust the guide to your whim. Like I said, I left this site alone for 2 whole months, and when I loaded it up again, it's like I never left.
"Disney+ has placed Wakanda Forever between Moon Knight and She-Hulk on their timeline (I have Moon Knight in 2025 ending May 16th, I prefer it in 2025, so I use the wiki dates and She-Hulk beginning Mid-June 2025). I know using the Disney + timeline is controversial, but I think a late May/early June 2025 placement fits with what we're shown in the movie. The fact they didn't lazily place it between Werewolf by Night and the Guardians Holiday Special makes me believe some thought has gone into this placement.

Looking at MIT's schedule for this year, it seems Final Exams fall on the 19th, and 22nd-24th of May and there is a Summer session that Riri could also be a part of, explaining why she could potentially still be at school in June."


"The movie literally had a deleted scene showing a date that matches the Disney + timeline.(the MIT schedule I posted earlier) It may not always be accurate (for the most part I think it is), but it's ridiculous to rule it out entirely."


I bolded what you repeat again and again and again. I struck through the information that isn't needed for both posts, then inserted information that you could have said to backup your claim that you yourself used. Do you see what I'm getting at? Seriously, we get it, you firmly believe that MK is in 2025. Seriously we get it, you firmly believe the D+ timeline is correct or useful to you. As I have mentioned several times on here, I disagree with certain things on this forum during Phase 2 specifically, but I've long since dropped the subject and don't engage with it anymore. This forum is bigger than my continued opinion on that. I just keep my own guide and let this one be what it is.

But need to let the jabs to these points go already. It completely turned me off to coming here and I actively started seeking out an alternative group/forum to this one. You simply don't get it. It's almost feels like a nervous tick for you that you HAVE to bring these points up at every single opportunity you have available to you. Like eventually you are going to wear the majority here down to simply give it to you and adjust the guide to your whim. Like I said, I left this site alone for 2 whole months, and when I loaded it up again, it's like I never left.
As I said, I mentioned Disney+ because Wakanda Forever's placement had just dropped. Are we just going to ignore it entirely, especially when their placement with the movie seems to be accurate? If it's such a big deal, I'll quit bringing up Moon Knight. The reason I do bring it up is that there are some, even on this site that do agree with a 2025 placement and I'm anecdotally bringing it up, because it's relevant to the topic of Wakanda Forever's placement. I'm not bringing it up to say "I'm right, you're wrong" and only mention it when it's relevant. As I said, I respect others' disagree and I'm not asking anyone to change anything. Not sure why you think I am. The only times I really comment on here are when something drops on Disney + or I find new information rewatching movies/shows. I don't bring Disney + up unless it's a relevant topic. There are a few placements on the service I might not agree with, but I think it's still a good tool to use (not automatically agree with) given for the moment, it's the closest thing we have to an actual timeline. And I wouldn't be surprised if the upcoming timeline book is similar to it.

For the most part, I agree with this site and respect others' opinions. So, I don't understand the personal attack. It seems like you take my posts in nefarious ways that I'm not meaning to come off as. If my being on here bothers you and others that much, then I can leave.
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While I agree that Rman does bring up his personal placements very frequently. I don't think he's wrong that we should at the very least acknowledge the Disney+ timeline. While I think it is definitely riddled with errors, especially Post-Infinity Saga, we can't just ignore entirely an official MCU Timeline from Disney, and it certainly not fair to "strike through" those parts of his comments. I think I've made it clear on here we shouldn't base any placements on what it says but I do always check in the morning when a new project drops on there where Disney+ places it. We should use all information available on projects to place them. I mean if we're still sharing articles about what directors say on where their films take place when clearly they don't know shit, then the Disney+ timeline definitely should be shared when it is updated. But just because we pay attention to it doesn't mean we use it.

That being said I think it's safe to say most of us have some placements here and there that disagree with the timeline here. I for example place Iron Man in 2010 (I know, I'll go get my clown makeup lol) but when discussing anything here I use this timelines placement and keep mine to myself. While I've never found it to be THAT big of an issue, when discussing new placements for projects we should use the agreed upon timeline for reference and keep our personal placements to ourselves. The Moon Knight debate was long but a decision was reached and until new info comes out about it it should be regarded as happening in 2024 for the purposes of this timeline.
As I said, I mentioned Disney+ because Wakanda Forever's placement had just dropped. Are we just going to ignore it entirely, especially when their placement with the movie seems to be accurate? If it's such a big deal, I'll quit bringing up Moon Knight. The reason I do bring it up is that there are some, even on this site that do agree with a 2025 placement and I'm anecdotally bringing it up, because it's relevant to the topic of Wakanda Forever's placement. I'm not bringing it up to say "I'm right you're wrong" and only mention it when it's relevant. As I said, I respect others' disagree and I'm not asking anyone to change anything. Not sure why you think I am. The only times I really comment on here are when something drops on Disney + or I find new information rewatching movies/shows. I don't bring Disney + up unless it's a relevant topic. There are a few placements on the service I might not agree with, but I think it's still a good tool to use (not automatically agree with) given for the moment, it's the closest thing we have to an actual timeline. And I wouldn't be surprised if the upcoming timeline book is similar to it.

For the most part, I agree with this site and respect others' opinions. So, I don't understand the personal attack. It seems like you take my posts in nefarious ways that I'm not meaning to come off as. If my being on here bothers you and others that much, then I can leave.
You're missing the point though. That is why I said what I said about Phase 2. You want to continue bringing up MK 2025 because there are some who agree, I once did that with my opinion of Phase 2, because like yours, there are others that could agree (I don't know anymore as its been years honestly). For BOTH of our sakes, this forum is beyond that though. We took a poll, the majority placed it, the end. And seriously after what I keep telling you about your you really think the people that agree with you need reminding...literally every single time? I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT MK, LAT, 2024 VS 2025, AND THE D+ TIMELINE, because you continue to remind us.

This forum has it in 2024. D+ has it in 2025. Imagine if every single time someone brings up BP 1, I use every chance possible to plug the Marvel Studio First 10 years book and say they place it in 2017, or I say that's how I have it in my guide. What ACTUAL purpose does it serve at this point when the forum disagrees and has moved on from it?

I'm not asking you to leave as I love debating the timeline with everyone here, I'm asking you to consider what you say in each post. I fixed your two posts to show you that you CAN discuss this stuff without resorting to horn tooting your own guide on the matter. I think you are correct in the month and year of the movie 'based on what we're shown in the movie', and your MIT research is awesome at backing that up to solidify that initial claim. I don't 100% discount D+ as I do find it intriguing where Marvel places things. However, you used their placement as yet another opportunity to plug MK in 2025 and your guide based on the wiki, when all you had to say was She-Hulk is in June 2025 so it stands to reason that BPWF should be late May, and then reiterate the MIT facts to further cement it.

Does that make sense?
While I agree that Rman does bring up his personal placements very frequently. I don't think he's wrong that we should at the very least acknowledge the Disney+ timeline. While I think it is definitely riddled with errors, especially Post-Infinity Saga, we can't just ignore entirely an official MCU Timeline from Disney, and it certainly not fair to "strike through" those parts of his comments. I think I've made it clear on here we shouldn't base any placements on what it says but I do always check in the morning when a new project drops on there where Disney+ places it. We should use all information available on projects to place them. I mean if we're still sharing articles about what directors say on where their films take place when clearly they don't know shit, then the Disney+ timeline definitely should be shared when it is updated. But just because we pay attention to it doesn't mean we use it.

That being said I think it's safe to say most of us have some placements here and there that disagree with the timeline here. I for example place Iron Man in 2010 (I know, I'll go get my clown makeup lol) but when discussing anything here I use this timelines placement and keep mine to myself. While I've never found it to be THAT big of an issue, when discussing new placements for projects we should use the agreed upon timeline for reference and keep our personal placements to ourselves. The Moon Knight debate was long but a decision was reached and until new info comes out about it it should be regarded as happening in 2024 for the purposes of this timeline.
The only times I've recently brought up my personal Moon Knight placement were when there was already a discussion about it and its relation to Wakanda Forever's Disney + placement (as I've mentioned). It was brought up how the only reason people choose 2025 for Moon Knight is to match Disney + or so 2024 isn't crowded, and as someone who has it in 2025, I simply defended my stance against that.
You're missing the point though. That is why I said what I said about Phase 2. You want to continue bringing up MK 2025 because there are some who agree, I once did that with my opinion of Phase 2, because like yours, there are others that could agree (I don't know anymore as its been years honestly). For BOTH of our sakes, this forum is beyond that though. We took a poll, the majority placed it, the end. And seriously after what I keep telling you about your you really think the people that agree with you need reminding...literally every single time? I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT MK, LAT, 2024 VS 2025, AND THE D+ TIMELINE, because you continue to remind us.

This forum has it in 2024. D+ has it in 2025. Imagine if every single time someone brings up BP 1, I use every chance possible to plug the Marvel Studio First 10 years book and say they place it in 2017, or I say that's how I have it in my guide. What ACTUAL purpose does it serve at this point when the forum disagrees and has moved on from it?

I'm not asking you to leave as I love debating the timeline with everyone here, I'm asking you to consider what you say in each post. I fixed your two posts to show you that you CAN discuss this stuff without resorting to horn tooting your own guide on the matter. I think you are correct in the month and year of the movie 'based on what we're shown in the movie', and your MIT research is awesome at backing that up to solidify that initial claim. I don't 100% discount D+ as I do find it intriguing where Marvel places things. However, you used their placement as yet another opportunity to plug MK in 2025 and your guide based on the wiki, when all you had to say was She-Hulk is in June 2025 so it stands to reason that BPWF should be late May, and then reiterate the MIT facts to further cement it.

Does that make sense?
The 10 Year Book was never an "official" release and the confusion came from people believing it was the timeline Fegie talked about that is the one releasing in September. Like I said I meant no "horn tooting", just that if you did have the show in 2025, it was nice to see a fit as an anecdote. And I felt it was relevant to Wakanda Forever's placement. If you take it as me plugging my own timeline, then I apologize as that isn't my intention at all. If it bothers people that much, I'll remain quiet on Moon Knight. Especially since it's being taken in a way I didn't intend.

I honestly don't think I talk about it unless it's already a topic of discussion or relevant, but if others think I bring it up too much. You must be seeing something I'm not.
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So I've recently learned that a man resembling Stan Lee appears in a mural in the first episode of Loki. I've been told this resemblance is intentional (tho I can't find a source specifically stating this) and implies that the Stan Lee cameos across all Marvel properties are the same Stan Lee. Idk if this is 100% true but I certainly choose to believe it and I'd love it for Marvel to confirm it someway in future projects


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The Guardians of the Galaxy game already implied that somewhat.
While that it true and very cool, the game doesn't share any direct connection to the MCU or imply Multiversal connection I believe like this. I like to think Stan worked for the TVA and this connects all his cameos together as the same character
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Watching Ms. Marvel as part of my rewatch of everything before Quantumania (I'm in the home stretch) and after looking more closely at the September calendar, it looks like it actually matches September 2025, beginning on a Monday. Whether it's a coincidence or them firmly paying attention, it's a nice confirmation.
Anyone here who has been lucky enough to see Ant-Man 3 early and able to give us any spoiler free timeline indicators?