This was actually done because some kid asked Joe about doing a Marvel Apes version after they had done something else somewhat similar before. And yes, this is true because it was on all the sites 2 years ago from a convention, which I think it was from one of the Wizard ones.
So before you go hating Marvel because you're thinking they're "stealing" an idea from DC, check your facts.
This is something that's obviously just for fun. No one needs to be psychotic about it.
ok i think you took my comments as a little harsher than i meant them. if that's the case with the kid and all, fine no problem. the reason i said "boy i hate marvel sometimes" so "Psychotically" as you might put it is
a) even if they aren't stealing from DC, it is a really goofy idea. and with recent efforts to show comics aren't kids' stuffs, this doesn't help.
b) since when do kids dictate what stories marvel puts out?
c) why not do this as a What If? one-shot?! I mean, this idea is seriously ridiculous.
d) the idea was cool when i was 6 and DC did it, but I was thinking about it about 2 years ago (12 years after the initial story by DC) and I realized how goofy it is.
e) regardless of whether a kid gave Joe the idea or not, THE IDEA STILL ORIGINATES AT DC. They are turning their bread and butter super-team and turning them into apes/monkeys! Come ON! And overlord is totally right, if they totally didn't realize DC did it, they could have found out. or AT LEAST had the common sense not to put such a silly idea in continuity! I mean, the kid might have been rummaging through his older brother's comics and saw the DC version and thought "what if this happened to MARVEL's characters?!"
f) it is a sad thing that Joe Q is making editorial decisions based on what a little kid thought would be a really cool idea. I thought Gambit should have been on every super team Marvel had back in the day, but that does NOT mean it was a good idea.
now, if this IS a What If? story, or is in no way tied to continuity, or is an alternate universe story like Marvel Zombies, then I am 100% ok with it. Go ahead and use the little gimmick. But in continuity, it is a silly idea.
and all these gimmicks marvel is using recently (MULTIPLE alternate covers, silly storylines, etc. etc.) really reeks of the '90's.
and all this is why i hate marvel sometimes.
please don't criticize me as "psychotic," that really shows disrespect for other board members (which is an oft-cited rule here); it offends me, as I am entitled to my opinion, whether you agree with it or not, and it is not harmful in anyway in and of itself to any of the other members.