Marvel Animated Universe (1990s) - Timelines

@Pro Bot & @selfishmisery do you any issues with me doing Marvel Animated Universes for the 60s-80s, starting with the 60s? Do not want to step on any toes but I already have most of the information needed from my timelines/research and love the early stuff...
I mean, the very first one is essentially the comics branched out into a crappy motion comic style.

That can have the pre-sliding timescale 616 timeline applied there.

As for the ones after that until Pryde of the X-Men, go for it.
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Yay! Dope thanks!

Yea I haven't got to watch all of the motion-style Marvel Superheroes show from '66 but agree about the sliding 616 timeline for the show.
Also, supposedly Apocalypse isn't the main villain but rather the robot DANGER

So they're probably gonna pull what the Legion of Superheroes cartoon did in it's second season with Imperiex 'taken out of the picture' mid-way...
The comic says that 92131 is at the very edge of the Spider-Verse. Probably not intentional, but since Marvel nowadays has relegated many of the non-comic worlds to their own Multiversal clusters, maybe 92131 simply is not a part of the same multiverse tree as whichever one contains worlds like Earth-616 etc.? (Albeit they are both part of the greater Multiverse) It being at the edge is consistent with Marvel's current approach in that way.
From Spider-Man (2022) #2. I believe these are also meant to be the Spider-Men from TAS, as versions of Spider-Men that look very similiar to them are depicted side by side in this wide shot. I am guessing those specific looking Spider-Men (six-armed, armored, Doc Ock arms, Scarlet Spider as well as two classic costume Spider-Men) are portrayed side by side as a reference to the animated show.

I recently have been rewatching all the content from 92131 (and branched universes) and used y'alls timeline. It is phenomenally done and very accurate just saying! None of my comments here revolve around when content should be placed since that all made sense for the most part, mostly just minor housekeeping edits.

  • From my understanding Spider-Man 1x04 is "The Menace of Mysterio" and 1x05 is "Dr. Octopus: Armed and Dangerous" but the order could remain the same.
Disney+ has the wrong order according to Wikipedia.

  • X-Men 3x13, "Savage Land, Savage Heart - Part Two" (0:10:49 - 0:11:52) Should be (10:55-11:59)
This one is fine, actually.

  • Spider-Man 2x09, "Neogenic Nightmare, Chapter XI: Blade, the Vampire Hunter SHOULD BE IX (all placements)

  • X-Men 4x03, "Sanctuary, Part I" (0:17:01 - 0:17:57) is placed twice

  • X-Men 4x13, "Family Ties" (0:02:23 - 0:02:45) is placed twice

  • Missing Spider-Man 2x01, "Neogenic Nightmare, Chapter I: The Insidious Six" (0:00:00 - 0:07:53)

  • Spider-Man 3x09, "The Sins of the Fathers, Chapter XI: Tombstone SHOULD BE IX (all placements)

  • Spider-Man 4x09, "Partners in Danger, Chapter XI: The Haunting of Mary Jane SHOULD BE IX (all placements)

  • Spider-Man 5x01 Should Be "Spider-Man '94 Season 5 Episode 2: Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter I: Six Forgotten Warriors"

  • Spider-Man 5x02 Should Be "Spider-Man '94 Season 5 Episode 3: Six Forgotten Warriors, Chapter II: Unclaimed Legacy"

  • There are a bunch of placements of X-Men 5x09 Descent that are labeled as 5x13

  • Spider-Man 5x08, "The Return of Hydro-Man, Part Two" (0:15:59 - 0:26:40) - Should be (0:15:59 - 0:16:40)