Jackie Estacado said:
i know what u mean Bass but we have to let him go

it's a shame coz Millar and Hitch are a killer creative team - i will miss them both at the end...
It's all right. They'll be on Superman soon, and that'll be great.
You know it's gonna happen.
Hitllar: Hi DC, we'd like to do Superman.
DC: Who are you?
Hitllar: Oh, we're the guys who did The Ultimates 1 and 2, y'know, that top-selling book that is generally considered to be one of, if not, the best superhero book of its time.
DC: Oh and you want to do Superman?
Hitllar: Yes. It'll put you in the number 1 slot.
DC: Well, I think we're making enough money at the moment, so we'll pass.
Hitllar: ...
Hitllar: What?
DC: We can't just milk our fans like a proverbial cash cow. There's ethics to bebwahahahahahahahahaha! Sorry. Even I couldn't keep a straight face. No, yeah, yeah. Of course you can do it. Do you want a new title all to your own?
Hitllar: Well, yeah sure. In continuity or out?
DC: Who gives a ****? We can tear down the continuity and start again.
Hitllar: Aren't you just doing Infinite Crisis?
DC: Yeah, but we can do Ultimate Infinite Crisis if you want.
Hitllar: But Infinite Crisis isn't even out yet...
DC: Will you shut the **** up about Infinite Crisis? It doesn't matter. It's just a marketing ploy to try and take away some of Marvel's profits. If you come aboard, you'll drag a ton of Marvel's audiences with you and so it'll work out okay anyway.
Hitllar: So... you're gonna cancel Infinite Crisis, mid-stream?
DC: Don't care. Oh! Hey! Great idea. How about you do Infinite Superman?
Hitllar: Infinite Superman?
DC: Yeah! Instead of "Ultimate Superman" we replace the "Ultimate" bit and call it "Infinite Superman". It's like, a thousand times better than the Ultimate line, because it's, y'know, Infinite. It can't ever end. We can also have Infinite Batman, Infinite Wonder Woman, Infinite Justice League... no. The Infinites, huh, huh? And so forth. It'll be great.
Hitllar: What about the All-Star line?
DC: You're living in the past Hitllar. Quit living in the past.
Hitllar: Actually... I think I'm living in the present.
DC: Yeah, whatever. I'm off to poach some Marvel talent.
Hitllar: ....
*ring ring*
Hitllar: Hello?
DC: Hi, this is DC. We just came up with this idea completely in-house; how would you like to spearhead the Infinite line here at DC?
Hitllar: Er... I was just talking to you.
DC: Hahahaha! You're great! So what do you say? It's an all-new continuity.
Hitllar: Like the Ultimate line.
DC: It's totally different to the Ultimate line.
Hitllar: How so?
DC: We changed a word. And no Bendis.
Hitllar: Um... ok. We'll do it. Do we get Superman?
DC: Yeah, whatever you want. We don't care. Basically, we have this machine that counts money.
Hitllar: Oh yeah, Marvel has one of those.
DC: Yeah. Provided you break it with too much money each month we don't care. You can make Superman gay if you want. In 40 years we lose the copyright anyway due to that pesky 100 year rule. So yeah, knock yourselves out. Make him an overweight black single mum or whatever.
Hitllar: Erm... ok.
DC: Sweet. Ok. We'll work out the deal later. Just remember: Infinite. Infinite. Say it with me.
Hitllar: Infinite.
DC: That's my boy. Now **** off and produce some comics that make us money.
Hitllar: Ok...
DC: And don't pretend this isn't how Marvel got you to do the Ultimate line.
Hitllar: Yes, my master.
*cue Empire music*