Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
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UltimateE said:Bitter Avengers fans are funny.
Microscopic fun? I didn't notice if Millar mentioned anything like that. Did he? I hope so, because he might be alluding to the Microverse, where the 616 FF met Psycho-Man.iceman said:i kind of like the silly adventures. FF is an adventure team, i'd rather them not get all serious too soon. meeting the 616 FF may be a little too far, but i'm all for the rival school, johnny's new best pal, and microscopic fun
I doubt Millar would re-use the Chitauri because a) their paranoiac tone doesn't suit what he seems to be trying to achieve in UFF and b) Any surviving Chitauri who wanted to take over the earth have probably "relocated to the lower fourth dimension" to lick their wounds.Onrng said:He also mentioned a space fight. Anyone thinking Skrulls( or the chitari or whatever they are called. )
Fighting inside the President? I don't know where that came from, but that's AWESOME. I'd love to see the UFF get all Innerspace on the President. Sounds wacky and fun.TheManWithoutFear said:Who mentioned the Fantastic Four shrinking down and fighting inside the President? Because if they saved the president, that would get them some positive media attention, right?
Well, whenever Millar does "silly" I usually like it.Goodwill said:Well, I'm with Ice on this one... I do like the adventure aspect of the title that Millar seems to be honing in on, which is a good thing after all of the little pushes towards that Ellis has made in between his science babble, but how far is too far? Certainly the innerspace wars seems a little too silly to you guys, right? I don't have a problem with time travel and inter-dimensional cross-overs, but it seems the run is going to get more and more ridiculous as it goes on. We'll have to see, though.
I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that.Goodwill said:The only place I've seen that in was Rugrats, and that was a stupid kids show at the time.
Bass said:BECAUSE THE N-ZONE IS RED! Duh! :neutral:
Bass said:The N-Zone is red.
Shrinking size is not.
What more do you need to know?
UltimateE said:I'm not sure why time travel would be any more outrageous than, say, N-Zone travel.