This movie sounds stupid. I'll probably go see it eventually but it sounds like another vapid Snyder effects fest with wincingly bad Goyer dialogue that misses the point of the character. Every bit of story I hear about just makes me wince.

They should have used my story treatment.
Also, Fast 6 was awesome.
As for the killing thing, for me it's not that heroes shouldn't kill. It's that Superman should find a better way. It's kind of the heart of his character. To me, Superman's about hope, and this sounds like a mopey, self-indulgent mess.
Fast 6 was awesome, but it's not high brow entertainment by any means. And yes, MoS certainly has vapid elements, but again, I don't think it missed the mark completely nor do I think it's as bad as some people make it out to be.
As for Superman finding a better way, yes, you're right. But I think the "better way" in the instance we're talking about was saving innocent humans or killing a Kryptonian villain. And while the Superman from the comics very well may have found that better way, this is a wet behind the ears, far less experienced, rookie Superman. One hopes that he'll grow and evolve into that character, but it's understandable at this point in his career, when faced with an impossible choice, why he'd do what he did.
Again, it wasn't a brilliantly written or subtle scene, but it got the point across that he was willing to sever his ties with Krypton to save humanity.
And it's not really a mopey, self indulgent mess, at least not on the levels you're thinking, that I promise (though there are certainly elements of that).
It's nowhere near what Superman: Earth One was, which was extremely mopey and self-indulgent.
Everyone I seen on twitter and film critics have hated it.
I've seen plenty of reviews which were in favor of it. While there were complaints in those reviews, overall they've been decent. And either way, a consensus shouldn't make up others mind for them about anything, so no matter how good or bad the reviews are for something shouldn't affect a person's individual opinion. Most people consider The Dark Knight the best superhero movie ever, but my buddy Peter hated it because he prefers the campier, 1960's Batman and the Batman and Batman Returns films of the late 1980's/early 1990's. Just his preference (strange as it is).
Dude, Superman Returns sucked in so many ways. While this film certainly had its problems, it was night and day better than SR. Besides I was kidding...well, kinda. Man up.
I'm criticizing the filmmakers choice to even have the scene there. Not if it made any sense story-wise.
Isn't a scene making sense story wise a good reason to or to not have it in the movie?