Lost *spoilers*

Last night's episode really made me interested in Kate a bit more. I had found her to be the most annoying person that we were focusing on and all of that crying just seemed like a waste... Until now. Her story was very well told and completely relevant to what was happening no island at the time, which was really cool.

I thought it was cool how the raft was used to create more conflict among the cast members. This shows that we don't have to have a revelation about the island or another death to shake things up with these different personalities. It was very well done.

The science teacher was Mr. Artz, or Daniel Roebuck, who is supposedly a new regular who is supposed to be involved with the French woman in some way. Who knows how this will happen, but it sounds interesting enough to me.

Lastly, the one character that we should all be paying attention to is Walt. He knows things and has forshadowed something of a problem with the hatch, prompting his eagerness with getting off of the island... This is very curious, as he was the person that wanted to stay while the first raft was being built. We'll have to pay attention more to his reactions of what's going on on the island.
Well, I'll be honest, it failed to really get you going with all of the mystism because, again, a different approach was used. Instead of focusing on what the people are finding on the island, the people are finding that they themselves have become conflicted with drama and whatever else... Do you see the aggressive verbal confrontations between Jack and Locke? Wow.
Right after the new LOST ends, I'm dashing off to the Movie Theatre, cuz they OPEN the door to get seats for Star Wars at 9 freakin 15!!! I'm definitely not gonna be there till at least 9:20, but here's hoping I still get a decent seat!

Nerds. :roll:
I missed the episode! Does anyone know if they're going to replay it before the season wrap-up before the 25th? I'll need to be caught up with everything and I don't want to be filled in... I HAVE to see it.
Goodwill said:
I missed the episode! Does anyone know if they're going to replay it before the season wrap-up before the 25th? I'll need to be caught up with everything and I don't want to be filled in... I HAVE to see it.

I can spoil it for you! :twisted:

See, the French Woman shows up and she shows them this incredible, huge......PSYCHE! You didn't really think I was gonna spoil it for you?
So lucky I found a tape of the show because Saturday's episode was of the very first episode!

I thought it was interesting how they showed all of the different kinds of flashbacks to show how the characters came all this way. There are some that are still up in the air (For instance Jack's... What was going on?) but I thought it was cool how things like that were being tied up.
I saw Jack on the Ellen Show today...

She (Ellen) was speculating what the show was all about and she named a slew of things such as the pergatory idea, an idea where a mad scientist put these people here to experiment on them, and another idea came up about aliens making a zoo out of the island. Through his facial expressions, Jack seemed to reveal somethings about the show. Aside from saying that we'll get to see the "monster" in all of its glory, he also hinted that the most likely idea was the alien idea. Hmm... Also, Ellen also speculated that, in the hatch, there would be a secret society hiding from the "monster". Jack said that he hadn't heard of that before and that he liked that idea. ;)
Goodwill said:
I saw Jack on the Ellen Show today...

She (Ellen) was speculating what the show was all about and she named a slew of things such as the pergatory idea, an idea where a mad scientist put these people here to experiment on them, and another idea came up about aliens making a zoo out of the island. Through his facial expressions, Jack seemed to reveal somethings about the show. Aside from saying that we'll get to see the "monster" in all of its glory, he also hinted that the most likely idea was the alien idea. Hmm... Also, Ellen also speculated that, in the hatch, there would be a secret society hiding from the "monster". Jack said that he hadn't heard of that before and that he liked that idea. ;)

Only one more day....... :D
ultimatedjf said:
Only one more day....... :D

I can't wait. I like American Idol, but I hope LOST kicks its *** in the ratings.
Yay! Lost is on tonight!

We're finally going to see Hurley's backstory.
They already did Hurley's story. Tonight's back story is about the events leading up to the crash ( a continuation of last week's episode ).
icemastertron said:
Er...I believe that PX2 is speaking of the episode we saw already. He lives in NZ, so their behind in episodes from us.

Oh. :oops: Poor foreigners. :(

Great episode. Slightly disappointing, but great. First, Walt's kidnapping. So I'm assuming that those people were the Others. Long beard? Tattered, dirty clothes? They seem like they could be other survivors. But if that's true than why do they want Walt? I'm guessing it has something to do with his "powers". And if they have a boat than why wouldn't they have escaped a long time ago? There are lots of great new questions being raised.

Second, the hatch. I was sorta disappointed that they didn't give more of a clue. I was happy that they had Hurley see the numbers.

Thirdly, WHERE WAS THE MONSTER! We didn't see it in "its full glory". The one good thing that the scene with the "monster" did was totally confirm my suspicions. Did you notice the odd "chink-chink-chink" noise as Locke was being pulled away? I'm almost certain that the "monster" is really some kind of horrific machine. When you consider that, you start to notice that the monster's noises sound a lot like huge, rusty, metal joints moving. The smoke was a clue too.

Fourthedly, love the conversation between Locke and Jack. It's great that they brought that theme into the open.

Fithingly, I enjoyed the pre-plane crash flashbacks. Especially the Hurley one. And the scene where they're all boarding the plane and just casually noticing each other. I felt really bad for Locke. They had to carry him on to the plane!

And, Sixly, Rest In Peace, Arzt. Rest in Peace. :(
moonmaster said:
And, Sixly, Rest In Peace, Arzt. Rest in Peace. :(
You mean....Rest In PIECES! HA! :lol:

But the last half hour, and the ending....damn. Awesome. But HATE IT when shows ends that way!
icemastertron said:
You mean....Rest In PIECES! HA! :lol:

:cry: I was starting to like Arzt. Then he had to go and get himself blowed up... :cry:
moonmaster said:
And, Sixly, Rest In Peace, Arzt. Rest in Peace. :(

More like pieces, hehe. I liked tonights episode, though I would've liked to find out a little more about the monster and whats in the hatch. This episode raised more questions than answered, but I guess thats what Season Finales are supposed to do to bring you back for the next season. Overall, good episode.

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