Lost *spoilers*

I kind of got the feeling that Jacob was God and the mysterious entity was Satan. Jacob being kind, guiding, and giving them a choice, while the mysterious entity tempting and twisting the others to do his bidding. It all fits with the Christian metaphors this season.

As for what happens next. . .I have no idea.
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I really hope that John Locke is John Locke. It could be that whoever the second guy next to Jacob was is essentially what John is referring to as the island. This mystery guy has told Locke all these things... He's not the real enemy, the people with the imposter body of Locke is. Or something. That was the one part of the finale that did not sit well with me. I'm not fine with mind swapping or whatever, especially at this point. We've followed Locke from the beginning and to have another character occupy his body is wrong.

I'm sure sometime tomorrow we'll have an interpretation of what Richard's answer is. Additionally, I can't wait to see what happens to Richie -- he said that Jacob made him that way (meaning immortal) so now that he's dead, that raises the question of is Richard?

And as for the rest of the people... Well, if they aren't dead, then Jack's plan worked. Or didn't it? I don't know. I was with Miles even before he said that.
I know what Richard said. "Ille Qui Nos Omnes Servabit" which translates to "That which will save us all."
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And does anyone else get the feeling this is all gearing up to some kind of cosmic "final battle"? I ask because I was definitely getting a two-long-warring-enemies-who-are-preparing-for-the-final-battle kind of vibe from Jacob and the other dude.
Oh yeah, we knew Jacob was going to be some type of higher being and that was just going to lead to this huge scope of reality.
I don't know. All I do know is that this was, by far, the most "cinematic" episode of Lost ever. And the last season is going to be ****ing EPIC.
I actually didn't think it was that cinematic, quite the opposite when compared to some other episodes. though the final scenes at the swan were really something
I kind of got the feeling that Jacob was God and the mysterious entity was Satan. Jacob being kind, guiding, and giving them a choice, while the mysterious entity tempting and twisting the others to do his bidding. It all fits with the Christian metaphors this season.

As for what happens next. . .I have no idea.
There's definitely a rivalry like Ben and Widmore, but I don't know if the other guy is evil cause Jacob's last words were "They are coming" or something along those line which had Locke concerned
I really hope that John Locke is John Locke. It could be that whoever the second guy next to Jacob was is essentially what John is referring to as the island. This mystery guy has told Locke all these things... He's not the real enemy, the people with the imposter body of Locke is. Or something. That was the one part of the finale that did not sit well with me. I'm not fine with mind swapping or whatever, especially at this point. We've followed Locke from the beginning and to have another character occupy his body is wrong.
Same here, I hope that he's just more possessed than gone, specially given his reaction when he was revive so to say. Though I did get a feeling that Locke may become the face of the antagonist against Jack, that could work really well. But Locke is too good of a character to leave that scene in the motel to be his last.
I'm sure sometime tomorrow we'll have an interpretation of what Richard's answer is. Additionally, I can't wait to see what happens to Richie -- he said that Jacob made him that way (meaning immortal) so now that he's dead, that raises the question of is Richard?
I know I want to know where Richard comes from already, that and what's the deal with Christen!
And as for the rest of the people... Well, if they aren't dead, then Jack's plan worked. Or didn't it? I don't know. I was with Miles even before he said that.
I'm betting the nuclear blast wasn't Hiroshima size. I recall Sayid saying that it's not as powerful when they removed it which is why they had to get it as close as possible.

Also the final scene Code name "Fork in the Outlet" which was suggested by a fan makes a lot of sense, considering hitting a nuclear bomb with a rock is just as smart as shoving a fork in an outlet
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ille qui nos omnes servabit

He who will serve us all.

Or So Say We All? And suddenly it's a continuation of Battlestar Galactica? LOL! Just kidding but the translation is the best I could find on other forums.

From what I gather it's the tale of Set/Osiris combined with Esau and Jacob - Issac's sons. Old Testament stuff. So the guy in the black shirt that became Locke (the smoke monster) is Esau or Set. Osiris or Jacob is, well, Jacob. All the main characters apparently have the names of Jacob's children - but that could be a stretch.
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I know what Richard said. "Ille Qui Nos Omnes Servabit" which translates to "That which will save us all."

ille qui nos omnes servabit

He who will serve us all.

well, which is it? I'm gonna guess it's saves, not serves because it fits in with the story of Osiris

From what I gather it's the tale of Set/Osiris combined with Esau and Jacob - Issac's sons. Old Testament stuff. So the guy in the black shirt that became Locke (the smoke monster) is Esau or Set. Osiris or Jacob is, well, Jacob. All the main characters apparently have the names of Jacob's children - but that could be a stretch.

I agree with most of this. In Egyptian mythology Seth is the god of the desert and darkness and chaos, Osiris is the god of the afterlife and rebirth. He was credited with the seasons and the flooding of the Nile and the growth of vegetation. Seth killed his younger brother Osiris (Seth looked a lot like that statue by the way, down to what it was carrying), but Osiris is resurrected and ultimately defeats Seth. This myth represents the yearly change of the seasons as winter kills life until the spring when the Nile floods and life returns.

Also, in the Bible Jacob tricks his blind father Isaac into giving him the blessing of the firstborn (Jacob and Esau are twins, but Esau was born first) so Esau swears to kill Jacob, but Jacob flees. The two brothers eventually make amends though. The story of Cain and Able seems to be more applicable (Cain kills his younger brother Able), but Jacob's name is Jacob, not Able. But Jacob's sons names are Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, and Benjamin. So the only main character named after one of them is Benjamin Linus (well, maybe Dan, but his name is Daniel, and this son in Dan).

It seems pretty apparent to me that Jacob's brother/Esau/Seth/Flocke (=Fake Locke) is also Christian Shepherd. Locke is dead, his body was in the cargo hold of the plane and noone could figure out how he came back to life ("Dead is Dead!"), so maybe that's how Christian also came back to life. ALSO, the ash around Jacob's cabin possibly was to keep Esau/Seth out, but the ash had a space in it, so he got in. Which is why when Ben was pretending to talk to Jacob things went crazy and also why Hurley saw Christian Shepherd's face in the window. Although, I'm not sure what that means for Claire or why Christian was talking to Sun telling her she had a long journey ahead of her.

On a side note, Locke being Esau/Seth would explain how Locke knew when his other self would be coming out of the jungle and need help b/c he had been shot. And why he wanted Richard to tell him that he had to die. Esau/Seth has been manipulating this whole thing from the beginning so that he could kill Jacob with the 'loophole'.

Also maybe he is also the smoke monster (or the monster works for him), but i thought I remembered hearing that Christian Shepherd was not the smoke monster, but maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway, I think the line that Jacob tells Esau at the beginning of the episode will be important: "It only ends once, everything before that is just progress."

I can't wait to see what happened when they set the bomb off. Did they prevent "the incident"? Did they cause it? Are Jack, Kate, Sayid, Jin, Hurley, Miles, Bernard, Rose, and Vincent still back in the 70s? (it was cool seeing Bernard, Rose, and Vincent again, that was an awesome scene). Is Juliette dead? Who is coming? (Jacob's last words were "They are coming!") Who are Ilana and her crew? Why was the statue broken? Was that ship off the coast at the beginning the Black Rock? Is that where Richard is from? Where is Claire? How are Desmond, Penny, and Charlie Hume going to play into this? What about Widmore? What about Eloise Hawking? Did Faraday and Pierre Chang ever make that video from the comic con promo? What does Jack's Grandpa have to do with this? What about Aaron? What about Ji-Yoon (Sun and Jin's dauther)? What about Walt and his weird bird-killing powers? Who are Adam and Eve? How did Ethan become an other/hostile? What about Ben's friend Annie? How does Radzinski end up being left in the Swan to push the button? Why did Jacob never meet Ben? What are the numbers? Are they cursed? Why did Rousseau's crew get "sick" after going under the temple? What's in the temple? why did the swan hatch door say "Quarantine" on the inside? Why can Hurley see dead people? Why can't people on the island have babies? And of course, why was Libby in the mental institute with Hurley?
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So, I feel the same way about this show as I do about the other show Abrams produces, Fringe. The long ball on both games is great and brimming with high concepts, but the writing and acting can't necessarily keep up with it. I guess that's just the problem with a network show. I mean, it slips into soap operatics at times, but it's still enjoyable. They do a pretty good job reinventing the context for each season. I thought there was a decent amount to like about the finale.

I saw a little bit of the Biblical imagery you guys are talking about. Jacob is a smug, clever ********er, just like in the original story.

Did anyone else expect some face melting when they opened up the box? Either way, it's very Ark of the Covenant, right? God-in-a-Box. My guess is that John Locke is still John Locke. He's just absorbed the higher consciousness of Esau or the Island or whatever it is Jacob's opponent is supposed to represent. Esau's people are there to (unknowingly) provide a host for Esau, a suitable body for him to ride in the same way he apparently puppeteered Christian's corpse.

It seems to me that Jacob is trying to build a society. He's pulling people with different specialties and needs to the island either through screening individuals himself and nudging their destinies, or sending Richard out for him, and he magnifies this with the scientific juju of Elois. Would that mean Elois, and thereby Jacob, want the bomb dropped, or maybe Jacob wants to put them in the position just to see how they'll respond, the choices they'll make? Is Esau involved with the Dharma Initiative or Charles Widmore, or is he just doing his own thing?

I'm not sure I buy the Osiris/Set angle. Where is this coming from?
Holy. ****ing. ****.

I have no idea what could possibly happen next... I do think Locke is dead, though. Dead for serious.

I'm also not sure I believe that Christian Shepherd is part of Esau. I still think he's a representative of Jacob... Although him appearing to Locke before turning the frozen donkey wheel might make that a bit unlikely.

I mean, Damn. My brain is officially broken.
I think Adam and Eve are Rose and Bernard.

I've read other theories that the statue gets broken by the nuclear blast.

It's almost certain the ship in the beginning was the Black Rock.

Lindoff and Cuse have already debunked the comic con video as a continuity error.

After having time to sleep on it, I commend JJ Abrams, Damon Lindoff and Carlton Cuse for once again mind f'ing us so graciously.

Speaking of which - I double dog triple dare Irish to make a time line.
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As much as I love Lost, i just dont like what they are doing with some of my favorite characters. Lost used to be Twin Peaks meets the X-Files. But this finale realy turned it into Twin Peaks meets Dawsons Creek.

Sawyer changed his mind three times in this! First he's on the sub getting away, perfectly happy with leaving the island untill he pretty much gets forced into escaping to stop Jack. Then he meets up with Jack and acts like it was all his idea to try to stop him from blowing up the island. And after that he actually helps him blow it up. Make up your mind Sawyer!

Jack is a ****ing *****! His motivation for changing the past is because he didnt get the girl? That was his own damn fault! If he had just tried to make it up with Kate she might have come back to him.

I didnt like how they introduced Jacob into everyones backstory. It feels realy tacked on. 'Oh, by the way, jacob was always around at key points in everyones lives. We just hadnt shown you yet.'

I realy liked the reveal of Locke actually being dead. I think that the guy pretending to be locke is actually the monster. We know it's able to take the form of the people who died, right? So I guess there is some link between the monster/whispers and the guy who wants to kill jacob.

I was hoping someone would remember Claire in the finale. Im starting to feel like she's being Brother Chucked out of the show.
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Speaking of which - I double dog triple dare Irish to make a time line.

Already done...sort of. I've been keeping a running timeline of the show on my PC for years, since the first season. Of course, the past season's timeline loopiness has caused some much needed re-watching and revising of some of the dates. I'll post it soon...actually, just PM me your email and I'll send it to you, its a Works file and its just easier that way. :)
As I said in another conversation- this was the best mythological episode (on a completely different level from the other finales- as opposed to "What happens next?" we're left thinking, "What does it mean), on the back of potentially the worst character episode. Too much reliance on the Love Quadrangle that was essentially dealt with back in episode 11 of the season, with Juliet's motivation resting on a flashback that wasn't even congruous with the rest of the episode's motif.

Watching Sayid and Juliet both die (the former off screen, natch!) makes me think that one or both arn't dead for keepsies, and that they'll be saved when the LOSTies timejump. Though I hope Juliet's around, it's highly possible that her death will be Sawyer's reasoning for hating Jack. Perhaps they'll go to war.

Locke's full death both depresses me and excites me. Here's a man we've always expected to fulfill a greater destiny, despite the fact that he's never, ever shown himself capable. It turns out he's just a bumhug (as Stephen King would call him) all along.

I'm more distressed over potentially losing Terry O'Quinn than losing the character of Locke.
As I said in another conversation- this was the best mythological episode (on a completely different level from the other finales- as opposed to "What happens next?" we're left thinking, "What does it mean), on the back of potentially the worst character episode. Too much reliance on the Love Quadrangle that was essentially dealt with back in episode 11 of the season, with Juliet's motivation resting on a flashback that wasn't even congruous with the rest of the episode's motif.

Watching Sayid and Juliet both die (the former off screen, natch!) makes me think that one or both arn't dead for keepsies, and that they'll be saved when the LOSTies timejump. Though I hope Juliet's around, it's highly possible that her death will be Sawyer's reasoning for hating Jack. Perhaps they'll go to war.

Locke's full death both depresses me and excites me. Here's a man we've always expected to fulfill a greater destiny, despite the fact that he's never, ever shown himself capable. It turns out he's just a bumhug (as Stephen King would call him) all along.

I'm more distressed over potentially losing Terry O'Quinn than losing the character of Locke.

We definitely won't lose Terry O'Quinn. Either Locke will be alive because the timeline got reset OR he will continue to be the mysterious entity/Smokey (Are they the same being?).

As for Juliet and Sayid, the latter will likely return, but I'm unsure about the former. And robje, Claire's coming back in Season 6 from what I've heard.
Holy. ****ing. ****.

I have no idea what could possibly happen next... I do think Locke is dead, though. Dead for serious.

I'm also not sure I believe that Christian Shepherd is part of Esau. I still think he's a representative of Jacob... Although him appearing to Locke before turning the frozen donkey wheel might make that a bit unlikely.

I mean, Damn. My brain is officially broken.

I know, all other seasons I've been able to at least think of a logic storyline for the next season. But this one I just don't have a ****ing clue. Amazing.
*dances* Ding...dong the ***** is dead!!

Seriously, I didn't think this show could get any better. I'm loving the fact that genre TV is getting better, with Fringe, Lost and the second half of Dollhouse. It's a great time to be a geek.
As much as I love Lost, i just dont like what they are doing with some of my favorite characters. Lost used to be Twin Peaks meets the X-Files. But this finale realy turned it into Twin Peaks meets Dawsons Creek.

Sawyer changed his mind three times in this! First he's on the sub getting away, perfectly happy with leaving the island untill he pretty much gets forced into escaping to stop Jack. Then he meets up with Jack and acts like it was all his idea to try to stop him from blowing up the island. And after that he actually helps him blow it up. Make up your mind Sawyer!

Jack is a ****ing *****! His motivation for changing the past is because he didnt get the girl? That was his own damn fault! If he had just tried to make it up with Kate she might have come back to him.

I didnt like how they introduced Jacob into everyones backstory. It feels realy tacked on. 'Oh, by the way, jacob was always around at key points in everyones lives. We just hadnt shown you yet.'

I realy liked the reveal of Locke actually being dead. I think that the guy pretending to be locke is actually the monster. We know it's able to take the form of the people who died, right? So I guess there is some link between the monster/whispers and the guy who wants to kill jacob.

I was hoping someone would remember Claire in the finale. Im starting to feel like she's being Brother Chucked out of the show.

Actually, I entirely agree with you.

The **** with the atomic bomb was just retarded. I can't believe that Jin would want to go back to being an ******* who doesn't appreciate his wife (who's in the process of leaving him), Kate's willing to go back to jail, and Sawyer's willing to go back to being a prick. Really Jack? "Trust me"?. What the **** is wrong with these people?

And yeah. The flashbacks did seem like a cheap ploy. They didn't really show us anything about the characters other than shoehorning Jacob's presence into their lives.

Oh, and thank God Locke is dead. I never liked that guy.
How I can form a coherent thought after 5 seasons of this is beyond me. I loved it.

I thought the rest of the show would be about Ben vs Widmore and now I could care less about that. ****ing Jacob and that other guy.




And Rose and Bernard was a nice touch.

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