Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk (Discussion/Spoilers).

Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

When did Leonard get a haircut and become so short?
Leonard Samson's hair was short in Thunderbolts #117, too -- practically a buzz cut. I like this length better, actually; it's a nice change from the ponytail look.

On the height issue: She-Hulk has been depicted as being a head and shoulders taller than Samson in a couple issues of her own book. He's 6'6", and while the Marvel database lists her as being 6'7", I've seen her height mentioned as being up to 7'. It probably depends on the artist.

And since when can he tell what happen by touching the crime scene?
Without seeing the whole sequence in the upcoming issue, my guess is that Samson's recreating the scene based on the footprints and other marks on the ground. I do know that hunters will often press on the ground around animal tracks to see how compact the soil is and how much it springs back, which apparently gives them some idea how old the tracks are. (I think? Someone else will have to clarify that one, I'm afraid. I've never been hunting, so I may have that one wrong.)
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

Without seeing the whole sequence in the upcoming issue, my guess is that Samson's recreating the scene based on the footprints and other marks on the ground. I do know that hunters will often press on the ground around animal tracks to see how compact the soil is and how much it springs back, which apparently gives them some idea how old the tracks are. (I think? Someone else will have to clarify that one, I'm afraid. I've never been hunting, so I may have that one wrong.)
Yeah, but he's recreating it as if he was right there!
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

Well, yes. Don't police detectives do the same sort of thing? Sherlock Holmes certainly did....

Perhaps we'll get a different spin on this when we see the complete issue.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

Well, yes. Don't police detectives do the same sort of thing? Sherlock Holmes certainly did....

Perhaps we'll get a different spin on this when we see the complete issue.
I don't know.... I mean, from the preview, it looks like too much.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

I don't know.... I mean, from the preview, it looks like too much.
Maybe the issue will provide the answers. I've been considering picking this one up anyway, so now I have a really good excuse. :D

Now, I'm no psychologist, but I can guarantee everyone here will lead a longer, healthier mental existence if they stay away from Loeb.

He rots minds faster than a television.
:shock: Wow. I didn't think that was even possible....
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

That would be fine if he recreated the scene by moving around following footprints. But he states that Hulk landed, and then didn't move, delivering one punch after another from the same spot, without moving.

At least, that's what I got from it.

Not that I mind, but I was just wondering if I was interpreting it correctly.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

That would be fine if he recreated the scene by moving around following footprints. But he states that Hulk landed, and then didn't move, delivering one punch after another from the same spot, without moving.

At least, that's what I got from it.

Not that I mind, but I was just wondering if I was interpreting it correctly.

I guess you could by seeing how the dirt moved slighty, shifting wait. But when the hell did Sampson learn this?
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

Hm. Looking at the first panel on page 3 of the previews, there seem to be at least three footprints on the ground, so it's possible that there are more and we're just not being shown them? Your guess is as good as mine on this.

Just as an aside: Samson seems to be one of those characters whose interests and abilities change depending on the demands of the story. I've seen him depicted as an amateur inventor and "gadgetologist" (he invents a "gamma changer" to help Jen Walters change back and forth as She-Hulk, and I think the original invention meant to siphon off the gamma radiation from Bruce Banner was also a Samson invention); he's worked as a criminal profiler for the NYPD in Dan Slott's Doc Samson mini-series; he's shown investigating and somewhat recreating the events of one of the Hulk's rampages in the Startling Stories: Banner! mini-series (although I'm not sure if that mini is even in continuity, so perhaps I shouldn't use it as an example).

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be argumentative here, but since Samson has been tracking the Hulk in various places for years, I guess I don't find his ability to recreate the events at this scene particularly surprising.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

The first issue was actually alright. A definite improvement over Loeb's other current work... but that wouldn't be hard. Plus, McGuiness is awesome.

It starts with She-Hulk, Doc Samson, General Ross, Iron Man and Maria Hill investigating Abomination's corpse. They talk about it for a while and then a group of Russian superheroes show up. This being a Loeb superhero comic, the two teams fight, until Ross interrupts them. He's found a survivor of the Hulk/Abomination fight - a young kid. He mutters one word: "Red."

We then cut to a naked Rick Jones waking up in the middle of nowhere... and coming across some kind of factory or something. He wonders what he's gotten himself into.

Back in the US, Ross shows Samson through some secret bunker and takes him to a very special cell... where they find Bruce Banner. He's been wondering when they were going to ask him for help. To be continued.

So it appears that the Red Hulk is not Bruce, but Rick Jones... I'll be continuing this.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

So... We've got a new Captain America, a new Spider-Man, and a new Hulk?

Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

I'm....not sure how I feel about that. Especially because it's LOEB.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk MONTHLY.

It starts with She-Hulk, Doc Samson, General Ross, Iron Man and Maria Hill investigating Abomination's corpse. They talk about it for a while and then a group of Russian superheroes show up. This being a Loeb superhero comic, the two teams fight, until Ross interrupts them. He's found a survivor of the Hulk/Abomination fight - a young kid. He mutters one word: "Red."
Isn't it a rule of superhero comics in general that whenever two groups of them meet, they have to have a fist-fight over something? Don't superheroes ever settle their problems by talking to each other? :roll: (Strictly a rhetorical question, of course.... :) )

Other than the requisite fight scene, I thought this issue was all right and a decent set-up for the arc, although I suspect there's a link back to World War Hulk that provides some background for this story that I've missed. The last arcs I read concerning the Hulk were waaaaay back when Bruce Jones was writing the title. I'm guessing I have some catch-up reading to do.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk (Discusstion/Spoilers).

Rick Jones is the new Abomination. Holy ****, Jeph Loeb needs to stop writing NOW.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk (Discusstion/Spoilers).

Regarding the whole Sampson thing with the hair and being small I read in a Hulk Dictionary that his powers are actually like Sampson in that he gets stronger the longer his hair is. So now he's small with the short hair.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk (Discusstion/Spoilers).

Regarding the whole Sampson thing with the hair and being small I read in a Hulk Dictionary that his powers are actually like Sampson in that he gets stronger the longer his hair is. So now he's small with the short hair.

They stop doing that awhile back though.

Rick jones is "A-bomb'' ........eh, i'll see where it goes.
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk (Discusstion/Spoilers).

Loeb: "I have an idea for a new Hulk ongoing."

Crazy Editor: "Go on."

Loeb: "Right, first of all, the Hulk isn't in it."

Crazy Editor: "Hmm."

Loeb: "Don't worry, this **** will sell. In the first issue is Doc Samson and Alpha Flight. That'll draw in the continuity hounds. Then, Iron Man's there to coincide with the film and continuity. Plus, She-Hulk. So this should sell on sex appeal alone. McGuinness is drawing it after all."

Crazy Editor: "Well done, sir!"

Loeb: "Thanks. Now, as for the story. Basically, it opens with the Abomination dead. See, it looks like the Hulk killed him..."

Crazy Editor: "But I thought you said Hulk wasn't in this issue..."

Loeb: "Exactly. That's the mystery. And it turns out that there's a RED Hulk on the loose, and he killed Abomination..."

Crazy Editor: "..."

Loeb: "With a golden gun."

Crazy Editor: "I always felt Hulk needed to use a gun."

Loeb: "Yes. All this crazy **** is going on and no one knows why. That's how it's a mystery. I start the story at the point of most confusion and then just let the characters tell each other what's going on or punch each other... but now I've taken it to the next level. They'll be punching each other - with bullets from a gun."

Crazy Editor: *drags cigar* "You're hired."
Re: Loeb/McGuinness' The Hulk (Discusstion/Spoilers).

Loeb: "Right, first of all, the Hulk isn't in it."

I haven't read this yet, but if that's true it's funny because that was exactly the complaint against Bruce Jones.