Grocer Man
Well-Known Member
Will we see lego Knightfall? with lego Bane breaking Lego batman's lego back?
:lol: :lol:
I read in EGM a while back that it's possible to play the story mode from the villains perspective.
This is going to rule.
Will we see lego Knightfall? with lego Bane breaking Lego batman's lego back?
Harley Quinn is in the LEGO Batman Game!
Source: The Dane
February 15, 2008
MTV has revealed that Harley Quinn will be part of the upcoming LEGO Batman game:
In the "LEGO Batman" video game, Harley Quinn will have the ability to walk a tight rope, perform super jumps and bypass security for all levels with guards in security booths. Harley Quinn appears in the Fairgrounds Villain level as well as one additional level yet to be announced. stay tuned.
Check out screenshots at the link above!
Cool. Also, you get to play as the villains? This should add a whole new tier to the game.
Damn, when is this out again?
From what I heard it's diffrent eras of batman. Kind of how lego star wars had say Episode I then you go in there and it's split in levels. I think ears will be 50's-80's (original/campy) , 90's , modern , Movies
Batman in the seventies wasn't campy by any means. Still a bit over-the-top, but at the same time, darker than it had been in years.
contains gameplay trailer, with Lego Batman on Lego Catwoman action!
a screenshot for those who do not wish to click
:lol: Lego Harley looks cool
I think you mean the franchise should be mindstormed.A franchise should be built, I say.
It was if you think most people think 70's batman and think of the tv show with thinks like POW! ZAP! BOOM! popping up every time Adam west punched someone
What's the appeal of Lego video games? Isn't it basically the same thing as a Star Wars/Batman/etc. game, only with Legos?
Lego Harley is what convinced me to buy this game.
Wouldn't it be cool if they introduced Superman Lego by having him as an unlockable character in this game? It would be so cool flying around as Lego Superman.