Kick-Ass movie discussion (Spoilers!)

I thought it was alright. Some of the action sequences were well orchestrated, and it was definitely better than the comic, but it certainly wasn't a shocking film or in any way a deconstruction of superhero tropes.

But more importantly, Bass... You should give the Boys another try. I know it seemed like all shock value at first, but once you get further into it, it's filled with a lot of the character-driven greatness that characterizes Ennis' better stories. And Aggie's right, it's presented more as horrifying than as comic.
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It's just how I feel. IRON MAN was better, THE DARK KNIGHT was better. So was THE INCREDIBLES. It was about the same as both of the Hulks and X-MEN 3. I've started to appreciate BATMAN BEGINS more and SUPERMAN RETURNS less. It was better than X1 and X2. It was better than the Spidey films I think. Better than DAREDEVIL. Certainly better than CATWOMAN and ELEKTRA. But MYSTERY MEN is a better version of KICK-ASS. It only stacks up well with comparisons to other janky superhero blockbuster fare.

Just stop right there. Mystery Men sucked.

Kick-Ass was worth going to see twice.

But more importantly, Bass... You should give the Boys another try. I know it seemed like all shock value at first, but once you get further into it, it's filled with a lot of the character-driven greatness that characterizes Ennis' better stories. And Aggie's right, it's presented more as horrifying than as comic.

I agree with you here. The Boys is and has been one of my favorite titles since it launched. Besides, Garth Ennis is one of the best writers ever. If The Boys makes you sick, though, you should definitely stay away from Crossed, which is also one of my favorite titles.

And before you ask, yes, I am a sick, sick man.
My single sentence review of KICK-ASS is, "Like romantic comedies that are neither romantic nor comedic, KICK-ASS is an action comedy that is neither exciting nor funny."

However, there is a better one: I went into my LCS today and my shop owner described KICK-ASS as this: "If KICK-ASS were a band, it would be managed by Simon Cowell and all they would do is sing covers but add swear words to them."

I think KICK-ASS should be renamed DUMB-ASS or JACK-ASS or CHEAP-ASS. Any of these is more appropriate.
My single sentence review of KICK-ASS is, "Like romantic comedies that are neither romantic nor comedic, KICK-ASS is an action comedy that is neither exciting nor funny."

However, there is a better one: I went into my LCS today and my shop owner described KICK-ASS as this: "If KICK-ASS were a band, it would be managed by Simon Cowell and all they would do is sing covers but add swear words to them."

I think KICK-ASS should be renamed DUMB-ASS or JACK-ASS or CHEAP-ASS. Any of these is more appropriate.

How about *****-ASS and we shorten it to BASS?
FINALLY saw this last night. I enjoyed it but not so much the first half. Dave was too...I dunno...wimpy? I liked the comic a lot more and he didn't seem so much like a wimp.

Another thing I liked about the comic that didn't really get conveyed well in the film was that he was just a normal kid but when he had his costume on, even under his clothes, he felt amazing and confident enough to go after bad guys. I just didn't get that from the film and I think it's important for the character.

Also, the first time he gets beat up - the comic did a lot better job of showing how out of his element he was by having him get beat up a lot worse than in the movie. I thought that was important just wasn't as powerful in the movie. I think that, in part, really didn't make the violence and whatnot that over the top to me. It didn't seem like a movie that was made just to shock people (at least not completely or as much as the comic - some of the parts with Hit Girl were pretty sensationalistic).

Is sensationalistic a word?

The second half of the movie was much better and Hit Girl was great. The fight scenes were choreographed incredibly well and she did a great job, but on top of that I thought she was a good actress.
That's how i felt about the beginning too. Dave just getting stabbed then hit by a car just felt off as opposed to him getting beat up then all the rest. It would have added more to he's just normal and not superhuman.

Gotta say my favorite scene is when Big Daddy takes out D'amico's goons at the hideout.
I also loved how Big Daddy talked like 60s TV show Batman. That was awesome.
Big Daddy and Hit-Girl steal the entire movie which is amusing, because Millar's original idea for the comic didn't even have Kick-Ass in it.
I also loved how Big Daddy talked like 60s TV show Batman. That was awesome.

I really liked Big Daddy. I teared up when Hit Girl came to his rescue and he died right in front of her.

Also, this may sound even weirder, but I really liked the design of his mask, and the way it came apart.
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Here in the states we have one of my favorite unofficial holidays "Black Friday" (its named that because businesses go from the Red into the Black). and each year I take part in this frantic holiday tradition of showing soccer moms who's really in charge of the mad hustle of "its mine *****"

one of those prizes this year came from Best Buy where i picked up the Blue Ray w/ DVD and Digital Copy for $10...(normal price is $30)

seeing Hit Girl in High Def killing, saving, and revenging warmed my cold heart to new proportions.
Here in the states we have one of my favorite unofficial holidays "Black Friday" (its named that because businesses go from the Red into the Black). and each year I take part in this frantic holiday tradition of showing soccer moms who's really in charge of the mad hustle of "its mine *****"

one of those prizes this year came from Best Buy where i picked up the Blue Ray w/ DVD and Digital Copy for $10...(normal price is $30)

seeing Hit Girl in High Def killing, saving, and revenging warmed my cold heart to new proportions.

Pedobear approves.

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