Just read this on wikipedia (Don't know if this is true)

Thanks for the welcome, guys.

Wow, this single entry accounts for all three.....
That's entirely conceivable.

I believe Joe Queseda might have mentioned ULTIMATE KNIGHTS on one of his JOE FRIDAYS over at NEWSARAMA, though.

It's tickling my memory like it's correct, but I can't prove anything.
I just read this on wikipedia (I don't know if this is true at all):
1. Mike Turner will be the artist on ultimate invasion
2. the fifth ongoing series will be Ultimate Knights
3. Ultimate Daredevil (This miniseries is suposted to be the third part of the ultimate daredevil trilogy)

Wow, 0-3.

And Wikipedia still hasn't gotten rid of that Ultimate Daredevil factoid since last I checked.
a fan said:
I just read this on wikipedia (I don't know if this is true at all):
1. Mike Turner will be the artist on ultimate invasion
2. the fifth ongoing series will be Ultimate Knights
3. Ultimate Daredevil (This miniseries is suposted to be the third part of the ultimate daredevil trilogy)

Wow, 0-3.

And Wikipedia still hasn't gotten rid of that Ultimate Daredevil factoid since last I checked.

Well, #1 is certainly incorrect.

#2 turned out to also be incorrect, as there's still no 5th ongoing Ultimates title of any kind. For that matter, it should be listed as a fourth ongoing, as its ridiculous to define The Ultimates as a regular or ongoing series since they're limited maxi-series for the first two volumes, and regular six-issue mini series for the next two. Anyway, done with my tangent. Point is, this portion was definitly incorrect in it being another Ultimate ongoing. However, we are currently reading an arc entitled Ultimate Knights in USM, so its possible there was a little truth to it. Of course, I'm also open to the idea that Bendis saw that on Wiki himself, and then decided to actually turn it into an arc for USM. Hack.

#3 is also partially true, as I remember specifically reading an interview with Joe Q. and him saying the "Ultimate Daredevil" was planned as the third part of the Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra Trilogy (UD&E and Ultimate Elektra being the first two parts). I know it was at least planned, though probably not anything more than an idea or pitch. It was probably put on a back-burner and not made a priority, possibly due to less than expected interest/profits in the Daredevil movie, or delays on the other Ultimate mini running at the time of the announcement (Ultimate Secret, which then segued into Ultimate Extinction). Who knows? I do specifically remember reading those words from Joe Q's mouth, but then again, he's often full of ****. I wouldn't be surprised to see it eventually.
You do have to give credit to whoever is editing the Ultimate Marvel wikis as they cited "Death of a Goblin" as the next arc for USM way before we knew about it if I'm not mistaken.
There seems to be one page for the whole thing..which is just marvel.com ..so if it's not there I wouldn't trust this page.

I think Ultimate Daredevil is about as upcoming as Iron man II.

I think the person(s) writing the article want to try for as many trilogies as possible....soon we'll have the upcoming 3rd and final part of the iron man trilogy..with an upcoming thor trilogy and cap trilogy
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It seems like they just assume there'll be an Ultimate Daredevil to complete the "trilogy," despite the fact that the first two parts were stand alone minis that didn't even have the same writer.

But DIB says he saw Quesada mention it, so who knows?

Still very shady to me. I think we'll see Ultimate Invasion first.



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