Joss-tastic, Legen - wait for it.. - dary, awesomness! Dr Horrible!

It was a hell of a shock ending to be fair, not really funny....

I was expecting Hammer to be blowed up and killed/hurt by the gun, didn't expect Penny to bite it. But killing the girl he was in love with was really the only way forward in all honesty. It IS made by Joss Whedon after all, he loves to do that...

A friend of mine put the twist best. "Oh I am watching a show about an incompetent c-list supervillain and his possible redemption by a girl he loves. Oh no wait, it's actually the tragic origin of an A-List supervillain"

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A friend of mine put the twist best. "Oh I am watching a show about an incompetent c-list supervillain and his possible redemption by a girl he loves. Oh no wait, it's actually the tragic origin of an A-List supervillain"

That's actually a really good way to put it. It should be interesting to see what they do with it next.
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I thought the ending was pretty great, even with the extremely dark content... Im definitely picking it up on DVD.
I think it's great how Horrible is the protagonist, but gets the best songs as per musical villain tradition.

Also, when Whedon says he's working on another, does he mean another Dr. Horrible story, or just another show in this format?

Edit: also, I think Bad Horse is either a horse who swore vengence after losing at horse racing, or that one horse Caligula wanted to have made consul.
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This was so friggin' good. I just keep watching it and now the songs are permanently stuck in my mind... but I don't mind one bit. I got it off iTunes so I could rewatch, but more importantly, to show friends who haven't heard of it. And I know it's a minor ripoff, but I'm definitely going to buy the soundtrack (which was just announced) and the DVD as well.

Who wants to share their favorite song from the film? Right now, mine is the opening number from Act 2. I get goosebumps when NPH and Felicia Day sing together during the split-screen.
Finally watched the first two acts. Reserving final judgment until i've seen the last part, but on a pure entertainment level, i'm blown away.

So far, I like the song from the end of Act Two best, not because it's the most clever, or witty, but how it's just so endearingly corrupt. Basically,the Whedons take the classic "protagonist regains confidence in the wake of bitter defeat" song, and flip the trope on its head, making it into a chorus length equivalent of "I'll get you next time!" And NPH performs it with such gusto!
Went back and watched this again. Still great.

Personally, I'd prefer if they didn't make a sequel. I think some stories are complete in and of themselves, and Dr. Horrible is one of them. I understand people wanting a sequel just so the ending would be better, but this is Whedon. Even if he wrote a happy ending, someone sympathetic would die horribly.

(Of course, I would totally change my mind if they made a sequel and it turned out to be good. Hypo-wait for it-crisy!)

And Bad Horse was totally Caligula's horse consel, who became so accostomed to power that he became an immortal supervillain.
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