Well-Known Member
That's because men have smaller vaginas.Hey 3 and half inches is enough for any man!
And on topic:
ourchair said:Shia "The Beef" LaBeouf as Jonny Quest.
Seriously, he's perfect.
That's because men have smaller vaginas.Hey 3 and half inches is enough for any man!
ourchair said:Shia "The Beef" LaBeouf as Jonny Quest.
Seriously, he's perfect.
Shia "The Beef" LaBeouf as Jonny Quest.
Seriously, he's perfect.
Zac Efron? :sure:Please. He's nothing compared to the bright-eyed wonderment that is Chris Lowell or Zac Effron.
Fair enough.Victor Von Doom said:Granted I see them playing Johnny as the naive, always in trouble teenage son of the jet setting scientist.
Zac Efron? :sure:
Don't EVER bring up anyone connected to High School Musical. EVER. Not even if you 'only watch it for Bacon & Eggs Betty' or 'the ex-wife made me watch it'
Fair enough.
But I'm thinking the headstrong, 'gee let's stick our nose in somebody else's business even if it means we might get attacked by white tigers and crocodile-skin wearing cultists' Jonny Quest from The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest.
And I don't even like the Beef.
You never know.I was actually joking about the Effron kid. Please....you know my tastes better than that.
You never know.
You might have been paid by Zac Efron to promote him on message boards.
Kind of like how Mole was paid by the developers of Buzz: The Hollywood Quiz.
Right.I would never sell out like that.
Isn't Zac Effron teh dreamiest? :heart:
Like you're not going to use the money so you can have yourself genetically modified into a Caesar's salad to be delivered to Kristen Bell's refrigerator.
I long to be in Kristen Bell's belly too.Oh how I long to be in Kristen Bell's belly.
Kind of like how Mole was paid by the developers of Buzz: The Hollywood Quiz.
Not Doom. DOOM SALAD!Stay out.
A belly that fine is only fit for Doom to inhabit.
From hereonforward you will use this informational graphic in all posts referring to your special relationship with Kristen Bell. (Y'know cause we don't have ******* sigpics anymore)YES!
From hereonforward you will use this informational graphic in all posts referring to your special relationship with Kristen Bell. (Y'know cause we don't have ******* sigpics anymore)
ourchair commands it.
Says the man who saw "Stick It".I was actually joking about the Effron kid. Please....you know my tastes better than that.
Says the man who saw "Stick It".
I disagree. I would love to see a Jonny Quest movie, being a total fan of the The Real Adventures series. Unfortunately, you are right as it will probably suck. Too bad because I want it to rock so bad.I will stab you in your sleep.
And in on-topic news......I still can't wait for this movie to die a slow horrible death.