Johnny Storm appearing in Ult. Spidey #68 & 69

I was saying that you go after the weak link. Torch is the youngest. Fury has the best chance of getting him to sign up for the Ultimates. At that point, either the Fantastic Four become the Fantastic Three, try to find a new member, or Sue follows Johnny and Reed follows Sue to S.H.I.E.L.D.
Goodwill, sorry, that was supposed to be a joke. Forgot to put lol again. Sorry about that.

But either way, I dont think that the FF would hold auditions for another member. Besides, as they are right now, they dont wanna be a team like that. They just wanna go back to being normal.
Well, following 616, changes have occured in FF's lineup but they always revert back to the original 4. I could see a storyline where one of the FF could be offered to join the Ultimates. He/She would have to choose between money and "Family". It would make it incredibly intriging if it was Thing since he isn't really family. Hmm...
I was saying that you go after the weak link. Torch is the youngest. Fury has the best chance of getting him to sign up for the Ultimates. At that point, either the Fantastic Four become the Fantastic Three, try to find a new member, or Sue follows Johnny and Reed follows Sue to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Except technically they aren't the Fantastic Four yet, and have no sort of "team" deal going on. Right now if any of them left for whatever reason it wouldn't mean anything.
You're right, I was skimming and didn't read your post completely. Kudos ;)
So, besides the fact that the high school will be taken by Storm (Pun intended), do you think there will be anything more to Johnny? Will he be the next person to join the supporting cast, will he fight off a villain with Spider-Man, will he invite Spidey back to the Baxter for some scientific fun and birth Peter's real interest in science? What next?
will he invite Spidey back to the Baxter for some scientific fun

I never got the impression that Johnny was at the Baxter Building for his brain. Sue was, and their dad teaches there, but I think Johnny is only there because his dad is. I don't think he was a student.
What was he doing all of his life then? Just hanging around?

Basically, yes. He's just a punk kid (remember Reed's car stealing comment?). His dad and sister (his only family) live at the Baxter Building -- where else would he live? He's not a student.

Also supporting this theory is in the solicitation where it says he realized he never got a diploma or education (I don't remember which it said). If he was a Baxter student why would he care? They are beyond high school or even college education.
Excatly. If he was a student there, I dont think that Bendis would have written the arc. Although he would still find a way to bring Johnny over.
I would love to see Johnny become a regular in USM. I would forgive Bendis for the whole Gwen's death if he did.
Yeah, that was his sign off to the series... For now, anyway.

Also, are the rest of the Fantastic Four going to make an apperance? I thought I read that somewhere that they would be included, although I don't know what's really going on... Does anyone have a clue?

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