Ultimate Quicksilver
Well-Known Member
Awesome issue if you ignore the printing error. Hall of Justice is just ****ing awesome. Meltzer and Benes should stay much longer on the JLA
But then the last panel. . . oh my God. I can't wait for this crossover. I really hope this means good things for my beloved Legion.
Maybe they'll explain why Presuaders been hanging around the current timeline (52) in it.
Actually, that's a second Persuader. He debuted during Joe Casey's run on Superman about five years ago. He's justa normal 20th century guy with an axe and apparently no connection to the 30th century Persuader at all.
...Oh **** that.
Well, he's dead now anyway. Unless he has earthworm powers, in which case there are two of him.
It seems with the last two issues Meltzer is getting more and more random and disjointed in his storytelling. I'm not really liking that trend.
And I have NO idea what Mr. Terrific was doing in this last issue.
But then, he is smarter than me.
Am I the only one that loved it? The training in the Kitchen, Red Tornado becoming less human, Batman being a smart ***... The story is awesome and it's not too slow paced. The art was great and I can't wait for the next issue.![]()
I honestly thought it was the best one in a while...
Can someone please explain to me how Geo-Force is now in the League? Did Black Lightning just invite him? I'm confused.
Can someone please explain to me how Geo-Force is now in the League? Did Black Lightning just invite him? I'm confused.
Geoff Johns has dropped Teen Titans, is no longer doing 52, and is only co-writing the first four issues of Booster Gold, which leaves him only with JSA and Green Lantern... :twisted: