James Cameron's AVATAR

How would you rate Avatar?

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Visuals were spectacular. Really amazing stuff. Story was predictable and formulaic.
My friends and I were able to accurately predict the second half of the movie during the halfway break.
Lost my suspence of disbelief on three occasions:

1: Unobtainium (Really, Hollywood? REALLY!?)
2: waterfalls coming from floating rocks. Yeah, I dont care what planet you're on, that just doesn't work.
3: Kissing works the same with them as it does with us. I dont think so, James.

This did have one of the most awesome movievillains I've seen in quite a while. He really made this movie work so much better.
Enjoyable movie. I could recommend it to anyone. It woulden't be all that interesting without the visuals though.
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Too bad this wasn't a classic story. :(

Agreed. We've all seen this story before with Dances With Wolves or Last Samurai.

Now that's not to say that the film itself is this horrible, unwatchable movie. Even though we know how it's all gonna end, it's still highly entertaining. But it wasn't a GREAT film.

I never realized that such a huge part of this movie is centered around rape. They use the head plug-in things during sex but also to force horses and birds to submit.

They even rape trees.

What kind of movie is this?

I now have to watch this film again and keep this in mind. Everytime they brain-hose connect I'll have to scream rape! :lol:
Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

I never realized that such a huge part of this movie is centered around rape. They use the head plug-in things during sex but also to force horses and birds to submit.

They even rape trees.

What kind of movie is this?

i HATE you E, stupid twisted muther ****er

so the new dvd version got leaked yesterday....i go home and play it through my ps3 (which again enhances the quality) to my 60 inch tv......and all i could think about instead of enjoying the movie was.....there raping things in stunning quality

i hate you
Then there's this kinda crap.

Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie

I never realized that such a huge part of this movie is centered around rape. They use the head plug-in things during sex but also to force horses and birds to submit.

They even rape trees.

What kind of movie is this?

they made this joke on the big bang theory, in the intro
The DVD/Blu-Ray release for this movie is a joke. There is a no-frills version with no extras being released first (within the next month or so I think), then an Ultimate edition with bonus features this fall, then a 3D version next year.

I'll be getting the Pirate edition.
I got my copy today along with Avatar: An Activist Survival Guide for free because I preordered.

If the special edition comes out at the end of the year and has some interesting extras, I guess I'll just ask for it for Christmas.
The DVD/Blu-Ray release for this movie is a joke. There is a no-frills version with no extras being released first (within the next month or so I think), then an Ultimate edition with bonus features this fall, then a 3D version next year.

I'll be getting the Pirate edition.

It comes with a parrot and a 3-D eye patch.
It comes with a parrot and a 3-D eye patch.

That sounds awesome! Sign me up!


The thread needed more Tim Curry singing. Every thread needs that.
The Academy should be ashamed for nominating **** like this. This was an insanely boring, poorly executed piece of ****.
No it wasn't.

The story was unoriginal; they basically just put together a cliche plot in five minutes and said "Hey, we're not going to give you any chance to get into this movie, because we don't care about the story, characters or acting, but here are some pretty pictures!" There were more species of animal on Peter Jackson's Skull Island than there were on the entire Avatar planet.
The story was unoriginal; they basically just put together a cliche plot in five minutes and said "Hey, we're not going to give you any chance to get into this movie, because we don't care about the story, characters or acting, but here are some pretty pictures!" There were more species of animal on Peter Jackson's Skull Island than there were on the entire Avatar planet.

I understand the argument that the story is not completely original but I don't understand how that or the fact that there might have been more species in King Kong make Avatar "an insanely boring, poorly executed piece of ****."
I understand the argument that the story is not completely original but I don't understand how that or the fact that there might have been more species in King Kong make Avatar "an insanely boring, poorly executed piece of ****."

That doesn't make it an insanely boring, poorly executed piece of ****. I'm just pointing out the fact that Peter Jackson's Kong was a million times better than Avatar because, on top of being emotionally gripping and having amazing visuals, they actually took the time to flesh out an entire island of fauna to enhance the realism (submaterials even include factors like taxonomy of the creatures).