Lynx said:
However, one detail gone sour doesn't kill a story for me.
As I said, it's not just the one detail, but it's place, holistically in the story's structure, how that detail affects details that came before and after it. See, the Ultimates was like a puzzle, and I couldn't see the whole picture, but when that detail, the traitor was dropped, #9 and #10 let me see the whole picture, and that was when I realised the story, for me, was dead.
Lynx said:
To be honest, the time between Ultimates 2 #5 (When Loki tells Thor that the Ultimates has a traitor) and the time it took to get Ultimates 2 #9 to reveal the traitor, I didn't care anymore. In every issue, they teased about it and I had gotten sick of it (Not to mention the delays). That's why when U2 9 came out, I was far more impressed by the invasion of the Liberators then the reveal of the traitor. Millar would have been fine revealing Widow in issue 7, and we see the consequences of her actions in 8 and 9. A dramatic irony situation, I think, would have been not only better for the overall story, but for character development as well.
I particularly agree since the reveal of the traitor has no impact since it's such a shallow choice. I've said it before, I'll say it again - they should've waited until Ultimates 2 was finished and then released it directly as a trade; the comic equivalent of a movie.
Hawkeye101 said:
When Vaughn ultimized someone, he took ideas from the old universe and took away everything about the character that wouldn't work in the ultimate universe and started over with them, (I.e. Sinister and Mojo). This info can be found in the backof the trades.
The Mojo ultimization was so good... I was in a daze, ever since Bendis, not really enjoying UXM, then this Mojo ultimization came and I was just so happy and excited.
Hawkeye101 said:
Now look at what Bendis did on his run,New Mutants, He ultimized several characters, and didn't do anything with them! Bishop, Wolfsbane, Callisto, Havok, Polaris, and Dazzler! Yeah he introduced them, and left them open for Vaughn, but he didn't do anything himslef with them. Bendis seems happy just Ultimizing anything at will. He ultimized Angel, Karma, Dazzler, Bishop, Callisto, Wolfsbane, Havok, Emma Frost, Polaris and others in ONE STORY ARC. Thats a complete set of X-Men in one sitting and the only two he does anything with is Angel and Emma.
Bendis pisses away stories and characters all the time. It's the main reason I dropped USM.
jeremiahvedder said:
The only time I find the Ultimate Universe stale is when I read arcs issue-by-issue instead of having a trade in front of me... Because, really, you rip through comics nowadays like wildfire and, while I'm a big fan of decompression because of how much it lends to a book's pacing, there's just not enough between two covers to justify sitting and waiting a month to see the next act. The way it is, if you're completely caught up, you're just sitting around on your thumbs, spinning, and it's not the comics you're bored of... It's the wait.
Welcome - While you have a point - I also think it's more false than true. Really good comics, it doesn't matter how long the wait is, the issue is always worth it. The first 6 issues of the Ultimates 2 was like this, 100 Bullets, The Punisher, All-Star Superman, Planetary - these are comics which are good regardless of the month(s) wait, and also prove how much can be packed into a single issue.
Decompression is a nice buzzword too many people use in comics to write the long-drawn out soap opera stories we see in too much of television drama.
What I've found though, is that while reading story arcs in trade does make a story better, the thing is; the stories found stale on a monthly basis, when read as a trade, are just passable. It raises the experience, sure, but it's a one-off placebo - the flaws of the story, so painfully obvious in the individual issues are still there, revealed upon further readings.
And I've said - if the stories are meant to be read as a trade, then they should be realised as such, and not at all serialised in monthly episodes.
Eh, I just think that trades are great, but the quality of a story is evident, regardless of how it's digested.
jeremiahvedder said:
What they need to do is pull Bendis off all those other books--what is he up to, like, six a month now?--and have both him and Bagley crank out a new trade every month to satiate this new day and age market's incredible devouring of a 32-page book. (Pipe dream, I know... Something like that would destroy a single team's quality... But something with as big a cast as ULTIMATE X-MEN, you could easily have a new arc a month. A bunch of creative teams working all at once and VIOLA!)
I think that more mainstream comics should be produced directly in digest size like japanese comics, which are not serialised. It's like having tv and the cinema - tv being the monthly issues and the cinema being the direct digest sized releases.
jeremiahvedder said:
Err... Anyway, I've never read an ULTIMATE book that I didn't like, so long as I read it in a trade.
Fair enough.