Is the Ultimate Universe just disgusting now?

My thoughts were just the opposite - it WASN'T fresh, and he wasn't doing much more than just rebooting, unlike, say, Ultimates which had a LOT of new ideas.

Specifically, I was very disappointed in the Sentinels in the first arc. Having giant robots patrolling the streets completely flew in the face of the modernism and realism he was setting up in Ultimates.

What did you think was a fresh take?

I think the fact that was the X-Men concept without the continuity snarl in the 616 universe is what people liked about it.

It had its moments, but it had some flaws too, Ultimate Magneto was a very boring character and the sentinels stomping mutants on national TV was just silly.

But Millar did create a world that someone else, like BKV could use to good effect.
My thoughts were just the opposite - it WASN'T fresh, and he wasn't doing much more than just rebooting, unlike, say, Ultimates which had a LOT of new ideas.

Specifically, I was very disappointed in the Sentinels in the first arc. Having giant robots patrolling the streets completely flew in the face of the modernism and realism he was setting up in Ultimates.

What did you think was a fresh take?

Like Overlord said, I liked that it was a take on the X-men without all the continuity mess of 616 X-men. I liked that Magneto was more about trying to recruit Xaviers kids than kill them. (at least in the beginning)

I liked that they were back to being kids again. But modern kids instead of
60's kids.

As someone who didn't read any of the original X-Men until the team changed to the modern line up (after Giant Size X-Men #1), this was a portrayal I hadn't read before.

In retrospect, I didn't like it as much as I did the Ultimates. But I certainly liked it better than any X-men I had read up to that point.
My thoughts were just the opposite - it WASN'T fresh, and he wasn't doing much more than just rebooting, unlike, say, Ultimates which had a LOT of new ideas.

Specifically, I was very disappointed in the Sentinels in the first arc. Having giant robots patrolling the streets completely flew in the face of the modernism and realism he was setting up in Ultimates.

What did you think was a fresh take?

In this thread you said:
E said:
I can barely stand the X-Men. They embody everything that's wrong with comics.

does that have anything to do with your hatin' on UXM?
I don't get the rave reviews for Millar's Ultimate X-Men. It's not horrible, but it was, for the most part, incredibly uninteresting to me, the weakest writing I've ever read by him, and, quality-wise, barely better than a regular X-Men comic.

I wasn't referring to Millar's UXM run. It isn't horrible, but I agree that its not his best work. It did a decent job of introducing the team and tones of the book, but it was no Ultimates (which is what I was referring to when mentioning Millar). I also mentioned Ellis (who never wrote for UXM) ;).

My point was, when Millar was writing Ultimates, Vaughan UXM, and Ellis & Millar on UFF, the universe was at its best.

The Overlord said:
But Millar did create a world that someone else, like BKV could use to good effect.

Very true.
does that have anything to do with your hatin' on UXM?

Not really; UXM was better than any X-Men I had read up to that point, but it is still a very mediocre story (Millar's run as a whole).

In fact, the only time UXM was what I would call good is BKV's run. The Bendis issue where the kid kills his entire town was quite good too.
Not really; UXM was better than any X-Men I had read up to that point, but it is still a very mediocre story (Millar's run as a whole).

In fact, the only time UXM was what I would call good is BKV's run. The Bendis issue where the kid kills his entire town was quite good too.

okay, i can understand that

probably my three favourite stories/arcs in UXM were 'The Tempest' (BKV's Sinister story) 'The Cave' (Bendis' story about the kid that killed his whole town) and the first Gambit arc where he looks after then little girl whose parents were killed by Hammerhead (did Millar write that or was it someone else?)

i also really liked the first half of Bendis' 'Blockbuster' arc (with Wolverine, DareDevil, and Spidey) but it really should have been an Ultimate Marvel Team-Up story or a miniseries.
My thoughts were just the opposite - it WASN'T fresh, and he wasn't doing much more than just rebooting, unlike, say, Ultimates which had a LOT of new ideas.

Specifically, I was very disappointed in the Sentinels in the first arc. Having giant robots patrolling the streets completely flew in the face of the modernism and realism he was setting up in Ultimates.

What did you think was a fresh take?

I actually thought the movies were more of an updated and realistic version of the X-Men, most of the more outlandish sci fi elements were not present in the movies.
I actually thought the movies were more of an updated and realistic version of the X-Men, most of the more outlandish sci fi elements were not present in the movies.

I agree.
Did you like the X-Men movies? Those movies are pretty well as close to realism as you can the X-Men concept without changing the concept entriely.

The first was pretty good, I really liked the second, and I haven't seen the third.
The first was pretty good, I really liked the second, and I haven't seen the third.

I thought the third one was ok, it had a lot of action in it, but the story and characterization were weaker, its not like you are missing a whole lot, it is the weakest of the 3.

So you can like the X-Men, as long its more toned down and realistic? I don't think you hate the concept itself, just some of the more outlandish trappings that are associated with it.

The X-2 movie is based, somewhat loosley on the God Loves, Man Kills story, which is a very good stand alone X-Men story, that doesn't have the outlandish elements for the most part.
I thought the third one was ok, it had a lot of action in it, but the story and characterization were weaker, its not like you are missing a whole lot, it is the weakest of the 3.

yeah, thanks a lot Bret Ratner!

why did he think Ashy-varicose-vein-lady-phoenix would be cooler than flamebird-phoenix?
yeah, thanks a lot Bret Ratner!

why did he think Ashy-varicose-vein-lady-phoenix would be cooler than flamebird-phoenix?

Don't lay the blame on Ratner, he signed up on the movie like a month before shooting began since Whedon had to bail. I lay all blame solely on the studio for rushing the movie out
yeah, thanks a lot Bret Ratner!

why did he think Ashy-varicose-vein-lady-phoenix would be cooler than flamebird-phoenix?

I think the third movie suffers from the rule of 3, the third movie is almost always the weakest.

I do think the third X-Men movie is a bit of a mess because they tried to fit too much into one movie, like Spider-Man 3.
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