#1 reason not to join UC
I thought something involving the 10 rings organization coming for revenge on Stark bringing Mandarin (the actual leader) to front. The idea of Mandarin trying to dominate the world and opening another dimension to somehow take control*. After the climactic battle and everything's basically back to normal, it's revealed Mandarin accidently opened another gateway (or a few) but through one of them Loki and/or Thor fell through.Watching this I did have an amazing idea for how Thor could cameo in Iron Man 2. I would see Thor having a battle with someone on Earth in his final battle in his film only to be knocked away into a car and flying back into the fight. In order to interlock this with the Iron Man movie I could see Stark speaking on the phone with Fury after his film with Fury and telling him that he's having trouble finding other super humans as Thor crash lands into his car. Thor excuses himself and flies off to the battle as Stark gazes on and tells Fury that he might have a suggestion.
*If somehow in this plot a Fing Fang Foom reference was thrown in I'd be pretty geeked.