someone named PurpleMLT has been editing and adding articles!
We're up to three!
EDIT: also, I've noticed on several pages that there are external links to tpbwiki pages
(i'm not sure if that made sense...)
what i'm trying to say, is if you want to link to a category page within tpbwiki, you don't need to make an external link that just comes back to the site. You can make an internal link
so, if you're in the Category:Alias page and you want to link to the Cagegoryulse page, you can do the following
==See Also==
* [[:Categoryulse|The Pulse]]
which will display as
See Also____________________________________________
- The Pulse
and link to the page Categoryulse
Awesome - I haven't checked in in a couple days so I didn't see him. I have some stuff to add.
You're right on the links. The links you saw are probably old, made before I figured out that you could do it that way.
I need to get back into this. I did a bunch of updates over the course of a couple weeks a couple weeks ago but haven't been able to get back into it yet.
ETA: I just checked in to see hat he did, and he's got the system down. That's encouraging!