Would've been more awesome if he was in Kingdom Come. :wink:
It certainly could have used him.
Would've been more awesome if he was in Kingdom Come. :wink:
What is it with you and Earth X? Earth X this and Earth X that. Why don't you just marry Earth X? Except you're already married so you'll just be cheating on your wife with Earth X. And then your wife will find out and she and Earth X will get into a fight. And Earth X would kill your wife. Then you'd be implicated as an accomplice, so you and Earth X would have to go on the run. You and Earth X would become a modern day Bonnie and Clyde and eventually you and Earth X will settle down in Alberta, Canada under the assumed names of Y and Earth Q. You'd have 3 kids named A, Earth W, and U. Then you'd die at a ripe old age as Earth X, under the guise of Earth Q, held you in it's arms.Guys, Black Panther most certainly is NOT an awesome character. Except in Earth X.
Makes sense.Fun fact: The E in E's name is short for Earth X.
Who said he's not the villain?Also, when I saw this image, I went holy ****. I shat my pants out of fear, not enjoyment. This is not the Ultimates. This isn't even the Ultimate Universe.
This is the 90's. This is Heroes Reborn. I'm surprised Onslaught isn't the villain in this.
Tell us how you really feel.This is terrible. What the **** is this? I can't even tell who half of those characters are. **** you, Loeb. **** you, Mad. **** you, Queseda. And **** you Marvel.
Mine will be better.I'll make my own Ultimates 3.
ZOH!!! MY!!! GOD!!!!omg im zo xited 4 this bcuz all my favorit chakturs r in it and allso bcuz it is so totlly
I'll make my own Ultimates 3.
What is it with you and Earth X? Earth X this and Earth X that. Why don't you just marry Earth X? Except you're already married so you'll just be cheating on your wife with Earth X. And then your wife will find out and she and Earth X will get into a fight. And Earth X would kill your wife. Then you'd be implicated as an accomplice, so you and Earth X would have to go on the run. You and Earth X would become a modern day Bonnie and Clyde and eventually you and Earth X will settle down in Alberta, Canada under the assumed names of Y and Earth Q. You'd have 3 kids named A, Earth W, and U. Then you'd die at a ripe old age as Earth X, under the guise of Earth Q, held you in it's arms.
I am going to try and remain optimistic about this. I will reserve judgement until I have read the issue.
That is all.
And I'm gonna write a review of your review of a preview!!!Yeah I'm so dissappointed I'm going to write a review right now!!!
Ultimates 3 #1 Review of the preview
I cannot say how dissappointed I am in this story, Why did Loeb want all the original costumes... next we'll see wings on Caps head, oh brother. They might as well call this the New Ultimates. And the story, complain, complain, complain.
Sorry but everyones enthusium is 7.589203470891/10
And I'm gonna write a review of your review of a preview!!!
interpol's 16th post Review of the Review of the Preview
Why does every n00b that wonders across this site decide to ***** at us about how much we ***** about stupid stuff. Burn this into your brain:
If I don't like Hawkeye's retarded new look or that Wolverine is everywhere or that Valkerie has no place on this team then I will say as much whenever or however I want. Even if the issue isn't out. So shut your n00b-hole.
Sorry, but I give your review of the preview a :roll: :twisted: /10
It's all right. I think we've all learned a lesson here today. That lesson?Sorry nothing runs faster then my n00b-hole
It's all right. I think we've all learned a lesson here today. That lesson?
McCheesiness is next to Godliness.
Fair enough.I think it's more Fergaliciousness