Ultimate Houde
UC's Resident Genetic Recombinator
Jurassic Park Reference.
Is Dawn of the Autobots a prequel story?
Dawn of the Autobots is the post-Dark Cybertron banner. It signified the season two premieres of MTMTE and RID (issues 28-33) and the four issue Windblade miniseries. After that RID is being renamed to just The Transformers and it and MTMTE will be under the banner Days of Deception. That leads right into Combiner Wars. MTMTE was supposed to have something called Elegant Chaos. I'm not sure if that's still happening though.
Just finished rereading Infiltration. Not being plastered reading it like I did during my last rereading made it a lot more enjoyable.
Overall it's an okay modernization of the 80s cartoon. It has a really weak start, the humans are pretty pointless, the action is great, Megatron actually felt like a big threat, if threw way too many characters too quickly with little development and difference between them (the 80s cartoon had that problem as well), Starscream actually felt like he could maybe beat Megatron (not saying he actually could, just that it felt like he could until they actually fought), and I felt like if you aren't knowledgeable of Transformers that this comic could probably be really bad, but since I'm not I give it an okay rating (3/5).
Why would you ever read comics drunk?
This is my biggest gripe with the TF comics. As someone who knows very little about the TF in general, beyond the main characters, all the secondary characters are introduced WAY to quickly, not given any development time, and when they finally get a Spotlight issue you've probably forgotten anything you might've known from their previous appearances, and after reading the Spotlights forgotten what's occurred in those to expand on the character by the time they show up again. Just WAY too many pointless characters that really add nothing to the plot. Unnecessarily crowded, and it's been that way in every issue of the series.
Huh. I just finished Primacy #2 and I'm realizing that the whole trilogy is either just going back to having the continuity be a giant mess or its not canon. There's some pretty head scratching continuity problems through the whole trilogy, but at the same time this almost seems like it could be leading into Combiner Wars due to all the Combiners present in the story. It's made even more strange once you realize John Barber is the editor.
(W) John Barber (A/CA) Andrew Griffith
DAYS OF DECEPTION! All-out war erupts on the streets of Tokyo when PROWL finally gets his hand on the one human he wants to get revenge on... and when PROWL gets revenge, it's never pretty.
(W) John Barber (A) Andrew Griffith (CA) Casey W. Coller
DAYS OF DECEPTION! All-out war erupts on the streets of Tokyo when PROWL finally gets his hand on the one human he wants to get revenge on... and when PROWL gets revenge, it's never pretty.
(W) Shane McCarthy (A/CA) Guido Guidi
ONCE A DECEPTICON! DRIFT's past comes back to haunt him, as RATCHET tries to drag him back to the Lost Light. But alone on a far-off world, DRIFT's honor demands he stand his ground!
(W) Shane McCarthy (A) Guido Guidi (CA) Alex Milne
ONCE A DECEPTICON! DRIFT's past comes back to haunt him, as RATCHET tries to drag him back to the Lost Light. But alone on a far-off world, DRIFT's honor demands he stand his ground!
(W) James Roberts (A) Alex Milne
OUTLAWS! Before the war, Orion Pax was part of the Establishment-until a friend opened his eyes to the truth behind the lies and he vowed to overthrow the system. Now, it seems as if his newfound enemies are willing to go to any lengths to see him dead-even if it means waiting four million years...
(W) James Roberts (A) Alex Milne (CA) Nick Roche
OUTLAWS! Before the war, Orion Pax was part of the Establishment-until a friend opened his eyes to the truth behind the lies and he vowed to overthrow the system. Now, it seems as if his newfound enemies are willing to go to any lengths to see him dead-even if it means waiting four million years...
(W) Tom Scioli, John Barber (A/CA) Tom Scioli
IT GETS CRAZIER! The biggest space battle ever grows to universal proportions! Will the G.I. JOE team and the AUTOBOTS make peace-before COBRA and the DECEPTICONS end the war... the bad way?!
(W) Tom Scioli, John Barber (A) Tom Scioli (CA) Nick Pitarra
IT GETS CRAZIER! The biggest space battle ever grows to universal proportions! Will the G.I. JOE team and the AUTOBOTS make peace-before COBRA and the DECEPTICONS end the war... the bad way?!
(W) John Barber (A/CA) Marcelo Ferreira
With the fate of Piggy Island hanging in the balance, will this be the Age of EGGStinction!? Continuing the craziest crossover this side of CYBERTRON!
(W) John Barber (A) Marcelo Ferreira (CA) Casey W. Coller
With the fate of Piggy Island hanging in the balance, will this be the Age of EGGStinction!? Continuing the craziest crossover this side of CYBERTRON!
I meant to mention this awhile ago, but Don Figueroa's art for the first TF ongoing was fantastic. It helped a huge amount in making the characters distinctive and stand out. So far I haven't been impressed with the art on either MtMtE or RiD, though Griffith's in RiD is better than Roche's in MtMtE.
Looking forward to seeing how other artists tackle all the various characters and designs.
But yeah, Figueroa's was really good. Helped me a lot in terms of keeping track of who was who in that run.
It's funny you say because the fandom hated it. I didn't, but the fandom didn't like it due to how complex Figueroa's designs for the characters were. It reminded the fandom of Bayformers too much (which he also did art for on the comics).
Yeah, and I can understand that from the old school fans, but at the same time, that's kind of similar to our argument regarding the Star Trek reboot films, in the sense of holding too closely to the old school designs (even when it doesn't make sense to since it's a new continuity).
But I absolutely HATE the old school approach when it comes to Bumblebee. Ugh. His old school design (they mimicked it in the Bumblebee mini series that I read awhile back) just gets on my nerves. I'm sure the purists love it, but my god it's atrocious.
And hating Figueroa's art for being "too complex" (even if it was reminiscent of the Bayformers look) is dumb. I mean, I get it in the sense that it's too close to the Bayformers films look. However, I will say this for the Bayformers films: they went out of their way to ensure the designs and transformation scenes made sense and were actually possible. The films may have sucked, but the designs and transformation sequences were spot on, and that's one thing about the films I actually really appreciated.
Now, I can understand where the G1 fans are coming from, in terms of wanting the old-school look for the characters. But at the same time, holding so closely to those "older" looks prevents a necessary evolution for the looks. I get the idea of wanting to take an old school "purist" approach for the G1 lines and whatnot, but let the IDW continuity experiment and try new things. I really liked Figueroa's work. It probably has a negative backlash from the G1 purists. I get it. And that's fine for the G1 books and styles. But don't **** all over them trying something new with the newer stuff is all I'm saying. I know TF fans can be very anathema and "keep your hands off my G1". I get it, especially in regards to the Bayformers looks from the films. While I appreciate their opinions on certain stuff, it can be too rigid in regards to doing new things, as you said. There is definitely a fine line for that stuff.
Dude, just wait. Most G1 purists hate IDW's TF comics because of these books (except vs GI Joe because that's like MADE for them). Besides some major story changes they introduced gender and a whole bunch of other stuff. I think I may have said this already but them introducing Windblade and the other females upset Simon Furman because he thinks they should be genderless and he and Mairghread Scott, who is the first female TF comic writer, got into it.
Furman might have a point about them being gender less if the TF weren't blatantly male anyway. But they are, so he doesn't.
They even act like dudes. What woman would continue billions of years of war?![]()