It seems pretty much a Given that Psylocke will be a part of the European Union's Ultimates, Along with her brother, Capt. Britain. And plus, she's under Jurisdiction of STRIKE, not SHIELD, and not under control of Nick Fury, so he cant drag a little team together with her.
On the issue of other X-teams..... well. I wouldn't mind an Ultimate New Mutants miniseries setting the stage for Emma Frost's Chicago School where she would undeniably teach Havok, Polaris, and the others we saw on the Board. I also wouldnt doubt Fury using the imprisoned former Brotherhood Members in Camp X-Factor to do some more dangerous missions to lessen their time cooped up. An Ultimate X-Factor mini-series might just be where we see Forge pop up again. But to make myself clear, a 6 or 7 issue Miniseries would be cool. An ongoing X title in the Ultimate Universe aside from what we've got already would probably bring about the end of the Continuity.