id Software Shared Multiverse - Timelines

Guys do we know when Legacy of rust Is set?
Before DOOM 64 for sure. I think I am going to change the Final DOOM episodes and put them in release order with the rest since they seem to have been cemented as just extra episodes for DOOM II.

DOOM + DOOM II DOOM II: Hell on Earth
DOOM + DOOM II Master Levels for DOOM II
DOOM + DOOM II TNT: Evilution
DOOM + DOOM II The Plutonia Experiment
DOOM + DOOM II No Rest for the Living
DOOM + DOOM II Legacy of Rust
Who's here After the gameplay explanation of DOOM The Dark Ages?

(Megazords battles!!).
Mr. Jozaca, if I can give an assumption for the DOOM Timeline, well, we know that DOOM 3 + DLC ends in 2147 and DOOM (2016) starts in 2149, so I guess DOOM (1993) to DOOM 64 happens in 2148.

While I think that DOOM Eternal is set in 2151 thanks to a codex entry.

Btw Ik that he stayed in hell for Eons, but maybe in Hell and Sentinel Prime time flows differently than the 2 earths.
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for Commander Keen both Wolfenstein and DOOM Wiki listes them in their release dates, so.

Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vortigans - 1990
Commander Keen in Goodbye, Galaxy! - 1991
Commander Keen in Keen Dreams - 1991
Commander Keen in Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter! - 1991
Commander Keen - 1991
as for Quake according to the quake wiki, all the events from Quake II to Quake 4 happens in 2079.
and finally I'm sorry but for HeXen/Heretic I couldn't find anything to date them.

Also for Quake, I think there's a Quake Champions comic you're missing.
Also If I can help you with the Playing Order I would combine all the 3 of them, in the end there aren't spoilers shared between the 3 universes so I would do like this:

1. Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders to Wolfenstein.
2. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood to Wolfenstein: Youngblood.
3. Coomander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons to Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition: Return of the Triad.
4. Rise of the Triad.
5. Quake I Enhanced to DOOM 64 The Lost Levels.
6. DOOM VFR to DOOM (2016).
7. Quake Champions to Quake III: Revolution.
8. DOOM Eternal to DOOM Eternal The Ancient Gods - Part Two.

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