
He's barely 15, his biggest concern is whether his balls are the same size.
If the AoA Ice Man could send his conscience to any water molecule on earth, wouldn't that make him nearly omniscient?
Originally Posted By Korinthian
If the AoA Ice Man could send his conscience to any water molecule on earth, wouldn't that make him nearly omniscient?

I wouldn't say that, he only has a limited conscience to expand through the atmosphere. So he could be anyplace he wants in a second, but not everywhere at once.
Which is why I said nearly, which I guess is a big leap to completely omniscient.

If it is with the speed of light he can move his consciensce, he could be in every girls' lock room on the planet within the space of a minute.
This is about what he may become in the future, in the Ultimate line.

Who would've thunk Ice Man would have this capacity? What we've discussed so far sounds interesting, but the teleportation power I could really do without.
teleportation is boring! that's why i don't like it.

if his power really does stem out of his ability to affect the speed of molecules, he can do anything.

if he sped up your molecules, he could make you float ... or a'splode. if he slows you down enough, you'll die. dayum.

but yeah, i think the coolest thing ult. iceman has done was ice-wave. i really wish he showed massive signs of power like that more often.
I don't know why, but this is a pet peeve of mine. It's ICEMAN not ICE MAN. It's one word!

Anywho's, if I remember correctly, When Iceman came back in Ultimate War, didn't someone say he clocked in at 120 m.p.h.?
icemastertron said:
I don't know why, but this is a pet peeve of mine. It's ICEMAN not ICE MAN. It's one word!
I have the same problem when people say Super Man or Super-Man or Spiderman. It's Superman and Spider-Man.

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