I said it and I meant it...


Excelsior Club
May 17, 2004
The USM Deadpool story was worse than Ultimate Iron Man.

Didn't read the deadpool arc but I rather enjoyed Ult. Iron Man. You could use it for reference and tie ins...
E said:
The USM Deadpool story was worse than Ultimate Iron Man.



I disagree.

Deadpool was just a filler arc and a wasted ultimitization.

Ultimate Iron Man ruined a major character. A character that, up until that point, was great.
I never gave Ultimate Iron Man a second though after I read it. I didn't hate it nor love it.

Deadpool was a complete waste and continued a downward spiral in a formerly great comic book. It also made me loose trust in Bendis.
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You guys needs to look in the details, and me an avid non reader of USM and UIM shall do it for you.

Deadpool, which everyone feels was a wasted Ultimization, is actually a very very important ultimization for the Ultimate world. He represents the humanity which has had enough of the mutant population in the year or two since MAgs destroyed Washington DC in his temper tantrum about how mutants are better, and how he wants to have milk right before bedtime and you can't stop him from doing that.

You see, Deadpool represents the father in the mother father relantionship that humanity has with the mutants. The Reavers represent the mothers as misshappened ugly things that have numerous operations on there body that rusts with time. So you see, Deadpool is the father of the mutants, while the Reavers are the mothers. This is all relavant within the context of USM because Spiderman is the mutants long lost brother. He's the special one that everyone truly hates but treats well during holidays because they are guilt ridden.

This, of course, makes Wolverine the grandfather.

Meanwhile, in UIM this completely and utterly blew the lid wide open on superhuman research and how it affects people finacially. You see, Howard Stark was able to make a synthetic compound, while completely poor and having no money after his divorce directly relates to the American way. He was able to come from the bottom to the top, TWICE! Of course, let us not forget about the radioactive monkeys. They represent the evil that inhabits every human being, and how even in the purest of fusions (i.e. Howard Stark cheating on his wife with Tony's mom) creates a mixed bag of a person. Now, we also see who this evil grants Tony superhuman powers, as in he regenerates his body and is able to wear fleash eating bacteria on skin. So, UIM shows us how Evil and Good can coexist in one person, and create the ultimate swinger lifeform known as Antonio Stark.

So, it's the parents of mutant life versus the Ultimate Swinger Lifeform.

That's our agrument people, not Deadpool vs. UIM.

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I could read the Deadpool arc a second time. UIM i couldn't manage once. Orson Scott Card is to Ultimate Iron Man what King Herod was to the Bethlehem Playgroup Association.
Hellsbuttmonkey said:
I could read the Deadpool arc a second time. UIM i couldn't manage once. Orson Scott Card is to Ultimate Iron Man what King Herod was to the Bethlehem Playgroup Association.

Post of the Day.
And here I thought this thread was about someone posting a dirty picture or something. I thought this was E bringing down the hammer. Instead I get this nonsense.

Bring back The Nexus.
Ultimate Iron Man is horrible because Marvel didn't tell Orson Scott Card that Iron Man wasn't a character from one of his novels.

Ultimate Deadpool was horrible because it was a filler and another one of Bendis' ultimizations.

I read Ultimate Iron Man once. My brain hurt. I'm too scared to read Ultimate Deadpool.
Hellsbuttmonkey said:
I could read the Deadpool arc a second time. UIM i couldn't manage once.

Thank you, Hbm. I got so bored when reading UIM. I collect all Ultimate titles but I just might not invest in the sequel. It's utterly a waste of money.

My ratings:

Deadpool: 3/5

UIM Vol. 1: 0.5/5

Victor Von Doom said:
And here I thought this thread was about someone posting a dirty picture or something. I thought this was E bringing down the hammer.

Same here.
ultimatedjf said:
Thank you, Hbm. I got so bored when reading UIM. I collect all Ultimate titles but I just might not invest in the sequel. It's utterly a waste of money.

My ratings:

Deadpool: 3/5

UIM Vol. 1: 0.5/5

yeah I would give it 0.5/5 as well. because all the pages stayed in when I opened it.....although if they had fell out it might have been more interesting....
Hellsbuttmonkey said:
yeah I would give it 0.5/5 as well. because all the pages stayed in when I opened it.....although if they had fell out it might have been more interesting....

UIM is worse. Way worse. Nothing and I mean nothing can be lower than this. Not only did he waste the character, but as of so far, he's made more continuity errors. At least with Deadpool it was just a bad ultimization in a bad story. No continuity errors and not a mess as there is in UIM. And at least the ending in Deadpool actually was more "useful" (for the lack of a better word) than the ending in UIM. The solicitations didn't even match the story!
The only thing worse than UIM is UIM with Chris Bacholo's art.

At least with USM's "Deadpool" we get the "revelation" of Peter and Kitty's relationship being doomed. It's a key part of the USM overall story. The rest was crap.....but at least we had that little nugget of relevance/continuity.
It's true. And that was the only USP arc I read. It scarred me for life. Life I tell you!
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thee great one said:
Deadpool was a lot worse.

Correct. UIM ruined a more major character in a worse way, but the story for Deadpool was so bad it trumps that.

I know it's shocking - it's shocking to see myself type that.
E said:
Correct. UIM ruined a more major character in a worse way, but the story for Deadpool was so bad it trumps that.

I know it's shocking - it's shocking to see myself type that.

And you know Deadpool wasn't the worst comic arc I ever read.

That honor belongs to Uncanny X-Men "On Ice" by Clarmont and Davis.
thee great one said:

And you know Deadpool wasn't the worst comic arc I ever read.

That honor belongs to Uncanny X-Men "On Ice" by Clarmont and Davis.
I agree. I was so lost and so confused, my head was hurting.