ooooh, i like how this is going.
thanks guij and ourchair for some very entertaining ideas. i can see it coming together nicely.
what of the fury/ross/the ultimates connection to this series though? personally, i'd like to see some of the historic 'glue' between banner and the ross's (father and daughter) explained in more detail. also, banner and ross, in their last intimate chat before he was convicted, had this argument: he first accused her of being the reason he has turned himself into what he has become, then tells her it's not her fault (which of course it isnt). but, he says 'somebody else would have just accepted the way i was. would have made me feel less pathetic'
i want to know more about why betty ross would have belittled banner if he was the top scientist he was. plus the general had trust in him, didn't he?
and, how betty ross, if she feels guilty about it (which i am not sure she does - she seems too much of a cold-hearted cow to me) will try to 'make amends', to make good and help banner in the future? maybe her PR campaign will be to cover up for him even within SHIELD and associated groups?
oh, this may of course be old hat to you g33ks