How would you rate Ultimate Galactus Trilogy?

Rate Ultimate Galactus Trilogy. How did it do?

  • *****

    Votes: 4 5.8%
  • ****

    Votes: 23 33.3%
  • ***

    Votes: 27 39.1%
  • **

    Votes: 8 11.6%
  • *

    Votes: 7 10.1%

  • Total voters
I can't say I hated Ultimate Gah lak tus because it really got me into the UU, having never read anything from UU before I picked up the first trade and really enjoyed it so I now own everything except UIM, which everyone says sucks anyway, but anyway the first two arcs were great but the ending really sucked. It felt like watching a M. Night Shyamalan movie, great until the last five minutes. Like they get to the ending and run out of good ideas and just say **** it. I'm sure some don't agree with my opinion but this could have been great. If only it wasn't set in the past so we could have seen some significant lasting effects felt throughout the UU, and it had a better ending.

To all people who will quote me I just lost my forums virginity so be gentle.
fcpunfan said:
I can't say I hated Ultimate Gah lak tus because it really got me into the UU, having never read anything from UU before I picked up the first trade and really enjoyed it so I now own everything except UIM, which everyone says sucks anyway, but anyway the first two arcs were great but the ending really sucked. It felt like watching a M. Night Shyamalan movie, great until the last five minutes. Like they get to the ending and run out of good ideas and just say **** it. I'm sure some don't agree with my opinion but this could have been great. If only it wasn't set in the past so we could have seen some significant lasting effects felt throughout the UU, and it had a better ending.

To all people who will quote me I just lost my forums virginity so be gentle.

Sorry we ran outta lube a long time ago.
fcpunfan said:
I can't say I hated Ultimate Gah lak tus because it really got me into the UU, having never read anything from UU before I picked up the first trade and really enjoyed it so I now own everything except UIM, which everyone says sucks anyway, but anyway the first two arcs were great but the ending really sucked. It felt like watching a M. Night Shyamalan movie, great until the last five minutes. Like they get to the ending and run out of good ideas and just say **** it. I'm sure some don't agree with my opinion but this could have been great. If only it wasn't set in the past so we could have seen some significant lasting effects felt throughout the UU, and it had a better ending.

To all people who will quote me I just lost my forums virginity so be gentle.
