How bitter would you be if...

Someone stole your dream

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That would be even worse. One of your friends who doesn't even like comic books gets all the glory.

mah,... I'm not the jealouse type. Truth be told, I never really given into fame, social goups, or even the race thing. If you give me respect I'd give it to you. I don't care if your fat, skinny, tall, short, rich, poor, good looking, ugly (of couse I would never say that to them or anyone else), Black, White, Red, Brown, Yellow, smart, dumb, Jock, Goth, Nerd, Prep, Posser, Loner, Skater, etc, etc, etc...

The only thing that really bothers me are people that seem to feed off of others misery for their social and/or Financial gain. I mean I might have a little jealousy, but thats only human nature. But like I said I'd be ok with it.
I'd be bitter as ****.

I realy would be.

But then I guess I'd have to say that it all depends on the powers they get. I mean granted---they get Superman abilities and I'd probably slit my own throat from sheer jealousy. But if they got Blob powers where they couldn't be moved I'd probably make some snide comment like have fun as a Carney.

Even still....I'd be jealous. I'm petty like that.
I'd be bitter as ****.

I realy would be.

But then I guess I'd have to say that it all depends on the powers they get. I mean granted---they get Superman abilities and I'd probably slit my own throat from sheer jealousy. But if they got Blob powers where they couldn't be moved I'd probably make some snide comment like have fun as a Carney.

Even still....I'd be jealous. I'm petty like that.

And that's the God honest truth. This thread was mostly a joke but I can't believe the boy scout's in here that are actually coming up with "Oh, I'd say good for him/her and move on." You gotta be kidding me. As comic book fans, we live in a world of unreality and escape through the fiction of these characters lives. That's why there isn't an answer that let's you say "I wouldn't care."
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I think alot of people like to think that they'd take the moral high ground and go with the "great power...great responsibility" idea become a hero and use their gifts for good.


Most people haven't even been punched once...let alone deal with the ugliness that is crime-fighting. Push come to shove---I know how I'd handle myself in a firefight or street brawl. But I can tell you now that I am not prepared to deal with seeing some of the **** real cops and detectives deal with.

I think this is why I am drawn to "Heroes" as much as I am. Real people portraying real reactions to superpowers. Use your gifts to help you......screw everyone else.

And you all know that if your friend got'd be jealous as hell.
I'd be bitter as ****.

I realy would be.

But then I guess I'd have to say that it all depends on the powers they get. I mean granted---they get Superman abilities and I'd probably slit my own throat from sheer jealousy. But if they got Blob powers where they couldn't be moved I'd probably make some snide comment like have fun as a Carney.


And that's the God honest truth. This thread was mostly a joke but I can't believe the boy scout's in here that are actually coming up with "Oh, I'd say good for him/her and move on." You gotta be kidding me. As comic book fans, we live in a world of unreality and escape through the fiction of these characters lives. That's why there isn't an answer that let's you say "I wouldn't care."


I think alot of people like to think that they'd take the moral high ground and go with the "great power...great responsibility" idea become a hero and use their gifts for good.


Not so much. :noway:

Most people haven't even been punched once...let alone deal with the ugliness that is crime-fighting. Push come to shove---I know how I'd handle myself in a firefight or street brawl. But I can tell you now that I am not prepared to deal with seeing some of the **** real cops and detectives deal with.

It's the opposite to me. Knowing that **** exists and not being able to deal with it is what I can barely handle. It drives me insane sometimes.

And you all know that if your friend got'd be jealous as hell.

If someone else got Powers, I think Doom said it best; Hell YEAH, I'd be jealous. You know the scene in Superman Returns where he catches the plane and lands it in a baseball stadium and the whole crowd erupts with applause? If I was there, I'd be the only guy sitting in his seat with his arms crossed, grumbling to himself. I should be superman.

That said, I doubt I'd be a very good Superhero. I'm in Detroit almost every day, which is, by the way, not a very nice city. And I don't think I've ever seen a crime committed. I don't know if I'd be able to find enough crime that it would actually be worth it.

And it's not like comicbooks; You wouldn't be fighting guys in giant Rhino suits. You'd be up against drug lords, rapists and murderers. I'm not the Boy-Scout that Planet-Man claims to be...I don't know what I'd do if I got Superpowers. But I do know that I'd be hella jealous if someone else got them.
If I got Superhuman Powers I would take over the government.

Hopefully these powers would either be Supermannish or Telepathy. Or Both. Martian Manhunter without the fire weakness, because that would make smoking difficult....
And that's the God honest truth. This thread was mostly a joke but I can't believe the boy scout's in here that are actually coming up with "Oh, I'd say good for him/her and move on." You gotta be kidding me. As comic book fans, we live in a world of unreality and escape through the fiction of these characters lives. That's why there isn't an answer that let's you say "I wouldn't care."

I think I was pretty honest in saying I saw myself as a supporting player in my own life.
Dr.Weathercock is a persona of his own

Trust me, you never want to meet Dr.Weathercock
I think Dr. Weathercock is Ellis's next project.
And that's the God honest truth. This thread was mostly a joke but I can't believe the boy scout's in here that are actually coming up with "Oh, I'd say good for him/her and move on." You gotta be kidding me. As comic book fans, we live in a world of unreality and escape through the fiction of these characters lives. That's why there isn't an answer that let's you say "I wouldn't care."
But...I really wouldn't care all that much.

What happens, happens. Unless they're doing something incredibly irresponsible, I'd generally be happy for them. I've gotten along for my entire life without superpowers, I don't really need them now.

Envy just doesn't seem to come to me all that easily. Brooding and fantasizing about what other people have just seems like a big waste of time.
The only problem I'd have with someone else getting superpowers is if they started getting all Supreme Power on the world. Then I'd be scared.
Keeping with tradition and not reading the thread before posting in it, I'd say that I'd be absolutely bloody livid.

I'd be Lex Luthering all over the place and diving into buckets of toxic ooze, quantum foam, leather ducks and three month old pasta salad to get even.

However, I don't think Ourchair's abilities of looking EVEN MORE like a pre-op tranny would be too much of a concern.
But they don't always still read comics.. which I don't.

Ah, the heady days of thievery and engaging storylines are over, alas.

Has Ultimates 2 finished yet?

Oh, that was offtopic... hold on.. let me work that into the thread... er...

I'd be as pissed off about not receiving the superpowers as I would with those wankers who simply can't be ****ed to finish what they start. ****s.


And thanks!

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