Nexus of the World
Well... that's all Bendis' characters ever do. They sit around and talk, and then he acts as if we should be grateful that he's finally written a scene where a superhero and supervillain fight. 
Bass said:Firstly Parthuman, I doubt that Gwen will become permanent. Bendis, considering himself an integral artist, would never undercut Stan Lee's story like that.
Bass said:Firstly Parthuman, I doubt that Gwen will become permanent. Bendis, considering himself an integral artist, would never undercut Stan Lee's story like that.
Bass said:Are you guys sure about this?
I've got this big ol' trade by Romita Sr and Lee with no Gwen and with Peter and MJ dating throughout.
I also recall Lee saying about how he liked MJ, their wedding, and loved the death of Gwen story.
I'm very surprised to hear that he didn't write it, nor did he like it. While I can believe the former, the latter I don't think is true, considering what I've read of his.
Patriot said:Stan's only ever said he disagrees with the death,and as far as I know thats the only thing he ever said that wasn't incredibly enthusiastic.But there was some strong opposition from Stan around the time of publishing.
Ultxon said:According to review on ASM # 121, Lee, Thomas and Conway talked about the issue before it was written and came to an agreement to publish it.If I recall Conway said that there was nothing left to do with Gwen so she was offed.
icemastertron said:Yeah, loved this issue. But Robert, that was Iceman, right? If it was, than I wonder who the kid was with him, and what exactly is going on.
Oh, right. Good point.selfproclaimed said:robert is also the name of the sentry...i believe that's who this robert is...and that black wall thing possibly the void
That was my assumption as well. The Sentry seeing a shrink is a pretty good use.selfproclaimed said:robert is also the name of the sentry...i believe that's who this robert is...and that black wall thing possibly the void
I know its not actualy shorter, but you know, when you look at 3 panels without any dialogue you tend to blow through issues.icemastertron said:Reading the issue over, I say it IS Sentry. The "black cloud" = Void.
And I think this issue seemed shorter this is actually (if you believe it or not), is an issue where Bendis doesn't have an *** load of reading on one page alone. :lol:
icemastertron said:But Robert, that was Iceman, right?