Well, hopefully you'll be hearing a lot more about him after Nov 08.
Seriously, there are wonderful characters who are gay/les, they're just massively under utilized (case in point the previously mentioned Obsidian).
I'm not sure if DSF was saying he wanted to see straight characters "gayed" (and I'm pretty certain he wasn't). I feel that he, and myself included, wants to see not only the established homosexual characters to get more page time, or even new characters, and or monthly books.
Oh and about the bisexual characters, I can think of about 5 that have been outed in canon; Nico (Runaways), Zatanna, John Constantine, Ice (JLI) and Black Cat.
Well, hopefully you'll be hearing a lot more about him after Nov 08.
Seriously, there are wonderful characters who are gay/les, they're just massively under utilized (case in point the previously mentioned Obsidian).
I'm not sure if DSF was saying he wanted to see straight characters "gayed" (and I'm pretty certain he wasn't). I feel that he, and myself included, wants to see not only the established homosexual characters to get more page time, or even new characters, and or monthly books.
Oh and about the bisexual characters, I can think of about 5 that have been outed in canon; Nico (Runaways), Zatanna, John Constantine, Ice (JLI) and Black Cat.
Wait--have those all been explicitly stated, or just blatantly obvious? I'm not saying subtext isn't enough (I read Runaways and I completely agree with you about Nico), but where were Black Cat, Zatanna or John bisexual?
whack-a-mole game,
You sir just made an enemy!:x
And if anyone can't, they will be banned. Not even infracted. I'm not going to have an intelligent, thought-provoking thread ruined again.
Homosexuality in comics is a horrific idea-what message is this sending to kids?
I believe the messages it's sending is that even people we don't agree with have admirable qualities, that we should tolerate, if not actively like, people who aren't exactly like us, and that heroes can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, backgrounds, and appearances.Homosexuality in comics is a horrific idea-what message is this sending to kids?
Well it might send them the message to keep an open mind and not judge people based on prejudices.Homosexuality in comics is a horrific idea-what message is this sending to kids?
Homosexuality in comics is a horrific idea-what message is this sending to kids?
You are hereby forbidden from participating in this thread. Post in here again and you won't be back. Ever.
:shock: You haven't heard of Barack Obama?
Well, hopefully you'll be hearing a lot more about him after Nov 08.
Oh and about the bisexual characters, I can think of about 5 that have been outed in canon; Nico (Runaways), Zatanna, John Constantine, Ice (JLI) and Black Cat.
On Moles behalf, right now Obama is just a candidate for the Democratic Nomination for President. He might not even get the Nomination, so if he hasn't heard of him in England I'm not surprised.
On Moles behalf, right now Obama is just a candidate for the Democratic Nomination for President. He might not even get the Nomination, so if he hasn't heard of him in England I'm not surprised.
Also keep in mind Mole is a UKer.