Well-Known Member
360 will get that blu ray add on rumoured at a while back
I'm probly in a similar position in terms of console...well I wanna buy an Xbox...I don't know if I can be bothered to wait for this tho, I'm not too fussed about blu-ray HDDVD...if it's something that I want to have a good quality version of, I'll get avi or HDDVD anyway - Do you think there will be still be supports (even if just through pirates) for HDDVDs? All those xbox owners who wanna buy HDDVDs regardless of if they are becoming an obsolete format.
I think that having consoles attached to each, means that this issue is not as cut and dry as it was with VHS/betamax. There's already support for each format. - and both have got that code cracked that came out a while back, so aren't copy-proof.