Heroes Season 3 (Spoilers)

So give me an official yes or no...

I am downloading the last five episodes to get caught up again and see whether I can tolerate this show. People seem to be saying it's gotten better. I guess I'll have to see for myself.

EDIT: Kid Sylar and the ****ing idiotic stereotype "Oh, its a girl in a comic shop! How sttraaaaaaange" are already making me twitchy less than ten minutes into my first episode. How many episodes back did things start improving?
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So give me an official yes or no...

I am downloading the last five episodes to get caught up again and see whether I can tolerate this show. People seem to be saying it's gotten better. I guess I'll have to see for myself.

EDIT: Kid Sylar and the ****ing idiotic stereotype "Oh, its a girl in a comic shop! How sttraaaaaaange" are already making me twitchy less than ten minutes into my first episode. How many episodes back did things start improving?

one to two
So give me an official yes or no...

I am downloading the last five episodes to get caught up again and see whether I can tolerate this show. People seem to be saying it's gotten better. I guess I'll have to see for myself.

EDIT: Kid Sylar and the ****ing idiotic stereotype "Oh, its a girl in a comic shop! How sttraaaaaaange" are already making me twitchy less than ten minutes into my first episode. How many episodes back did things start improving?

Claire is still working in the comic shop although the subplot with the comic book guy she rescued is done.

Kid Sylar is gone as Sylar leaves him in an old bar where he got some daddy flashbacks and the Sylar's father subplot is also done. Sylar is going to figure back into the main plot again as he dropped off Puppet Master dude in Danko's house. There is actually a return of some air of mystery with Sylar since we have no idea why he is helping Danko instead of you know, killing him.
Actually, its pretty obvious. Sylar is helping Danko get rid of the other supers, to set up (presumably) the dark future of Season 1 where Sylar is President (posing as Nathan).

Just watched the preview for the next episode, which looks like it will elaborate on the Sylar helping Danko plotline.

There is a short clip of dialogue between the two
Danko: Then you will be the only one left..
Sylar: Funny how that works out.

That kind of talk sounds so much more like the original concept of Sylar, the power hungry, survival of the fittest type killer he was.
Just watched the preview for the next episode, which looks like it will elaborate on the Sylar helping Danko plotline.

There is a short clip of dialogue between the two
Danko: Then you will be the only one left..
Sylar: Funny how that works out.

That kind of talk sounds so much more like the original concept of Sylar, the power hungry, survival of the fittest type killer he was.

Definitely. I'm so glad Fuller is back.
Seriously? Another Petrelli?

Last night's episode was alright... But for some reason they seem to have decided to turn Nathan being a bundle of contradictions into an endearing character trait? What? Are you kidding me?

You can't be like "Im going to make everything better, because I'm a good guy." And less than 5 minutes later be like, "I am not going to make anything better, because I am a conflicted guy." And then ANOTHER 5 minutes later, be like, "But I am still cool, so keep hanging with me."

By the way... I caught up.

Cold Snap was good, but this series needs more Fullerizing, and if he leaves the show again, its just plain over.

That is, Unless Bass shows up with a portfolio of ideas and says that he can see the future of heroes, and that future is that it won't exist in over a year unless he does something about it.
The Sylar/Danko tandem was a nice touch, the highlight of the rather talky episode. That's how you do a "buddy cop" theme but still keeping Sylar in-character and menacing.

The other two parts were really just a means to an end and at least there was some actual character development.

And this episode is still pretty decent, especially compared to any of the crap with Volume 3. It might not be as good as Cold Snap, but so was Company Man in Season 1. The end was also a great build-up with Sylar and Danko, and since Cold Snap I have been looking forward to Heroes again.
Why would the guy who knows Danko is hunting him turn into the one person Danko would absolutely, positively, know beyond a shadow of a doubt is a shapeshifter and then stay in the same city as him?

Sylar isn't a villain I love to hate anymore. He's an annoying douchebag I hate to hate and just want out of there. They seem to think he's Hannibal Lecter now. Danko should be the Hannibal Lecter.
I just watched the penultimate ep and came to this conclusion...

Mohinder got captured in pretty much episode in this vol almost everytime he was shown. Plus zapped. He had it much easier when he was just a normal Indian boy.
Indeed. Mohinder is a career hostage.


The wheel barrow scene was awesome.

Traci's death was stoopid - and is she still alive?! WTF?! AAAND the scenery was good - the ice sprinklers were cool (pun unintended).

On the other hand... Daphne's death was very good. And it was in the same episode which is weird, as you think it'd be consistent unto itself. But Daphne's death was very well done, and I liked it a great deal.

Sylar working for Danko... didn't I suggest this? Way back when we got the teaser to volume 4, didn't I say Sylar should've been the hunter? I'm expecting Sylar to replace Danko, but that totally isn't happening. Even though it's completely set up in the very episode he gets the powers. Yes, Sylar faking his death is AWESOME but it's even more awesome if Sylar, to the same montage music, kills Danko and takes over the operation. It's totally set up. They go on and on about how Danko has no life and no one to miss him. And in a few episodes, we discover he has a clock fetish. Come on. (Let's ignore Danko suddenly has a girlfriend. What nonsense. A retainer whore, sure. But a girlfriend?!)

Speaking of which, I really liked the musical choice for the montage. Anything to shake up the bull**** droney whiney voice thing they have going on.

OBSERVATION! In the church scene, Mama Petrelli is dressed as the Virgin Mary... tacky as hell... and then she confesses in a confessional (actually, that's pretty cool).

IDIOT POWERS! As much as I liked the tequila scene and it's aftermath, Claire... could sober up Nathan with just a prick of blood.

The redneck japanese trucker was awesome.

IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY! Now, when Sylar pretends to be HRG's wife, I have one question (besides where he got the clothes) - how did Sylar draft up divorce papers that quickly?

And while we're on the subject of clothes, sometimes Sylar can change his clothes and sometimes not. But then, this is HEROES. Consistency? What be that?

And on the subject of HRG's wife - the scene where he puts the gun to her head is brilliant. The best scene he's had since "Cautionary Tales".

AMUSING MOMENT! In #22, at about 23 minutes in, you can see the entire camera crew reflected in Nathan's aviators! I love how Nathan looks at the end of #22 - he was in TOP GUN dontchaknow?

And on the Petrelli brothers; the playoff game grudge is VERY well observed - I like it when these two act like REAL brothers.

I love the HRG pretending to be Sylar pretending to be HRG scene - I totally called it but I loved it.

And while Sylar and Danko pwned HRG when he shot Sylar in the back of the head but it looked like he was dead, it doesn't actually work. All HRG had to do was actually show Sylar's skin and the lack of bullet hole would exonerate him.

QUESTION: Did they have the word 'genetic' in 1961?

The guy playing young Linderman is doing a pretty funny impression of Malcolm McDowell. Not a good one, but a funny one.

I really liked the "no dancing with the coloured" bit.

WUSS! Sylar now has the ability to shapeshift. Like when he had Candice's power in the future. It was all scary-awesome. Now, he's emo. Again. And he has a new cool power that he'll never use. Yippee. Apparently, a major season 1 character dies in the finale. I hope it's him. He's been overused to the point where he's boring. Even if he's not killed, he needs to disappear, completely and utterly, for at least 12 episodes. Unfortunately, HRG has passed his sell-by date, and Adam Munroe is dead. There are no villains to replace him. I doubt Danko will continue. And Samedi was wasted. We'll see...

FORGETFULNESS! Sylar holds Danko's watch to his ear. He has super hearing. He doesn't need to. But then, he points out later that his head is swimming with all the powers he has. But that's just silly. He gets a new power and depending on the budget of the effect, he plays with it until people forget.

MISSED OPPORTUNITY! So Sylar truly knows he has the power to get how things work. WHEN DID HE FIND OUT? WHY DIDN'T WE SEE THE SORROW THIS REVELATION WOULD GIVE HIM? His entire reason for being a killer is to have a power. He thought he had NONE. That was the TRAGEDY. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Sylar saving Micah was cool... even though it's a bit preposterous he can turn into a child. But then, he seems to change his clothes every now and again so, y'know, it's HEROES.

AWESOME! Danko just immediately stabbing Sylar in the head was FANTASTIC. Sylar should've stayed down. BOO. BOO TO SYLAR.

As for the 'big death' in the finale, they're playing up that it's going to be Nathan Petrelli, which means it almost certainly won't be. As it is, there are several characters: Mohinder, Nathan, Mama Petrelli, Peter, Claire, HRG, Sylar, Hiro, Ando, and Parkman. Micah and Janice could count but I doubt it.

So, who will they kill off? The idea that it's going to "stick" implies it's someone who's died before only to come back, which means Nathan, Peter, HRG, Sylar, and Claire.

I reckon the proper, final death is going to be Sylar. That's my bet. Quinto has STAR TREK and a movie career. He can leave HEROES. In the trailer, they make Hiro look like he's going to die, but he and Ando have been in the background making baby faces and I can't imagine their deaths working well. I'd like Parkman to go as he's so boring now. (Which I find unbelievable, but it's true. Daphne was the worst thing to happen to him.) Claire can go too for the same reasons, she's so boring. But the way I see it, Peter or HRG could easily die instead of Nathan.

Here's the thing, I don't mind when a cool character dies. When a **** character dies, it doesn't matter. You didn't like them, so what do you care? You want a character you like to die. But, here's the thing: I don't mind a character I like dying, provided that characters I HATE aren't still on the show. For example, when they killed of Adam Munroe, it wasn't so much that he died or that he died in a STUPID LAME WAY, in so much as that when they killed him, what was left? He was one of the only truly good characters in the show, and at the time, the ONLY VILLAIN in the show worth a damn. HRG was a good guy, Linderman was dead, and Sylar was emo. Adam dies and who's left? Arthur Petrelli and his gang of idiots. At the moment, the only really good characters are Danko, Nathan, Hiro, and Ando. Everyone else kinda sucks, except for Mama Petrelli and Micah, but they're both tertiary characters. So if they kill Nathan... what do we have left? The Peter, Parkman, and Mohinder show? WTF?

Nathan is clearly being set up as the fall guy. So I don't think it'll be him. Sylar's lines about hurting Claire work fine if he kills HRG. But I think the death will be Sylar.

Unless! They do something 'twisty' so that no one has to leave the show, and Sylar kills Nathan but no one knows, so Adrian Pasdar gets to stay on the show but no one realises and blah-blah-blah.

QUESTION! What happened to Bruce Boxleitner's character?! He was kick *** in BABYLON 5. I want more of him.

ADAM! I miss Adam Munroe. Peter should've died in the explosion in season 1. Adam could still have a reason to save Nathan: He asks Claire to be his eternal, immortal wife. So what if they're probably related? It's so far removed, it's okay! Adam should totally have a thing for Claire.

TWO MORE THINGS! I'm pretty sure there's lots of continuity problems in "1961", I just can't remember. AND! What happened to Matt's paintings of the nuke in Washington? Matt wearing the bomb was done (and done well), but what about the big explosion? Is that just not gonna happen anymore?
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Seriously this had Loeb written on it somehow. Sylar killed Nathan who was subdued by Peter who brought the body to Ma P, HRG, and Matt and doesn't see a covered up dead body. So Matt makes Sylar believe he is Nathan so Ma can have a son still and so he can halt all that has occured.

WTF?! Use Claire's blood!!! Tracy is now naked water girl who seems to be seeking revenge cause ya know her actions didn't put her where she's at :roll:
Hiro's payback was as great as when he put away Monroe. For now, it seems like vol 5 won't live up to its name "Redemption" seeing as how we have Naylar now
Seriously this had Loeb written on it somehow. Sylar killed Nathan who was subdued by Peter who brought the body to Ma P, HRG, and Matt and doesn't see a covered up dead body. So Matt makes Sylar believe he is Nathan so Ma can have a son still and so he can halt all that has occured.

WTF?! Use Claire's blood!!! Tracy is now naked water girl who seems to be seeking revenge cause ya know her actions didn't put her where she's at :roll:
Hiro's payback was as great as when he put away Monroe. For now, it seems like vol 5 won't live up to its name "Redemption" seeing as how we have Naylar now

I actually didn't mind this ending too much. I felt like it was misdirectiony enough to be fun. The idea makes sense... especially the line "If word gets out that Sylar killed a US Senator there will be a dozen danko's"

I am very very VERY VERY VERY glad they didn't use Claire's blood. that was ****ing stupid and they realize it so they aren't going to bring it up again. If you notice they reduced the power-level of everyone (except parkman, but that's fine because you can get away with a powerful telepath).

Umm... Hiro's putting away of monroe was awesome when it happened so this doesn't really make sense. Also, if anything, this was just a set up for Hiro later on.

Don't jump to conclusions, might not be Tracy, could be sister 3.

Like I said, I thought it was fine, aside from mimicing 90's x-men plots... but Heroes always does that
Just comparing how Hiro put Monroe in the ground to what he did to the building 26 staff.

i do realize that they limited almost everyone's power and i don't think it's a bad thing.
QUESTION: Did they have the word 'genetic' in 1961?

Pretty sure they did. Genetics were a large part of Frank Herbert's Dune (which was released in 1966), so I'm sure the term has been around for a substantial enough amount of time before then...in fact, I could be remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure the term was coined by the monk who cross bred all those beans (basically to figure out recessive and dominant genes). As in all other science-related coin terms, its derived from Greek, IIRC.

But, yeah, the term "genetic" was around in 1961...not as big a part of culture as it is today, but it makes perfect sense for the US Army to be doing genetic experimentation (at least in regards to the show) in 1961.

As for the 'big death' in the finale, they're playing up that it's going to be Nathan Petrelli, which means it almost certainly won't be.


We'll still see plenty of Adrian Pasdar, but "Nathan" is dead.

Unless! They do something 'twisty' so that no one has to leave the show, and Sylar kills Nathan but no one knows, so Adrian Pasdar gets to stay on the show but no one realises and blah-blah-blah.

Ah, crap. You guessed it.
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The word has actually been used for the study of heredity since the 1800's

Yeah, there you go. It was a monk or a priest who did the recessive/dominant gene test using the beans, though, right? I'm not completely mis-remembering it, am I? God, I need to quit. :wink:

I was disappointed Claude wasn't a part of the finale. I knew the chances were small of Christopher Eccleston ever returning to Heroes any time soon (or at all, to be cynically realistic), but I thought Fuller's return might've helped usher in at least a cameo or something, and when I learned the episode was titled "Invisible Thread"...well, I took it too literally. :(

I wish Claude would come back.
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I watched the finale "An Invisible Thread". I assume the eponymous thread is the one HOLDING THE STORY TOGETHER as it certainly was ****ing invisible.

AMUSING THING! You can tell Pasdar isn't left handed when he signs. He picks up the pen VERY peculiarly. I like these kinda observations.

INCONSISTENCY, THY NAME IS HEROES: ... Sylar didn't take puppet man's powers. He was alive, remember? So is this whole "making Claire do what I want" just tk? Because when he's used tk to move people before, they just glide. They don't walk. (The gliding would've looked cooler, btw) Also, Sylar can use his tk to fly. Something he has never done before. But it's okay. It's HEROES. They don't like being consistent.

THANK GOD WE FIRED LOEB! Just as well Sylar isn't a Petrelli and that whole plot line was aborted, huh? Otherwise, this whole, "Claire & Sy" love-in would be incest. Oh, and

Me said:
ADAM! I miss Adam Munroe. Peter should've died in the explosion in season 1. Adam could still have a reason to save Nathan: He asks Claire to be his eternal, immortal wife. So what if they're probably related? It's so far removed, it's okay! Adam should totally have a thing for Claire.

Adam should be the immortal and ancient enemy forever cursed to duel for his love. Not Sylar. Adam LOST his first true love to Hiro. It was that betrayal that turned him to the dark side. It would be perfect if the one woman who COULD be his lover really doesn't want to be.

EXCITEMENT, SHE WROTE! Okay, the whole "Peter just has to touch Sylar" set up was REALLY exciting.

OH NO, SHE REALLY DIDN'T: ... the fight was OFF-SCREEN? The big climactic super fight they've been building too... was OFF-SCREEN? People complained the first season had a lackluster finish but this... OFF-SCREEN!?

WHA'EVAH! I DO WHA' I WAN'! Sylar, after killing Nathan, shapeshifts into him. And is wearing his jacket. And when he kills Liam (we assume), he's wearing his suit. I can't be arsed to go through these episodes again, but... Sylar's clothes just shapeshift as and when the writer wants them too. It's just totally random.

SEASON 2 DIDN'T HAPPEN! Also - Nathan is fine. Claire's blood = fine. Noah Bennet can be shot through the eye and into the brain. Nathan can be burnt by radioactivity (rads can't be lost according to modern science in any fashion at all). Nathan can have a gash on his throat. Just as well season 2 never happened!

UNCONVINCING! Claire can't do badass. At all. I'm not saying Hayden Panettiere can't act, I'm just saying she cannot do badass, hardass, or any kind of intimidating *** thing.

VALIDATION! The limo scene is proof i was right - Peter being able to copy one power at a time is SO much more awesome than copying them all at once. I said it from season 1 and I say it again. I love Peter's new power. It makes him cool. Good night.

I THINK I WAS DYING BUT NO, NOT REALLY: So Hiro's exploding head syndrome... didn't matter at all it seems. Oh, it will in 'volume 5' but why put it here? It didn't do anything? Hiro still did all the time stoppy stuff he needed to. I suppose the whole point was to not have Hiro present with HRG as it would make the finale anti-climactic. So they gave him an exploding head. But it doesn't matter. It's not like we SAW the big fight. So we wouldn't have missed anything if Hiro stopped it.

ALI LARTER WILL NEVER BE FIRED: Why is Tracey back? Was her being rubbish for an entire season not enough? Why they didn't make Tracey another personality of Niki/Jessica instead of a clone, I'll never know.

VOLUME 5 "RUBBISH": So the teaser for volume 5 is the return of a **** character played by a hot woman (who's now WET AND NAKED) and the most predictable tease of Nylar maybe remembering who he was.



Hiro is really ill. No, iller than that. Really ill. His powers are killing him. Ando doesn't know what to do. Get baby "touch and go" to turn them back off? The Haitian? Hiro says no. Hiro says it is his destiny to have these powers. They just need to be fixed. He suggests using the 'crimson arc' on him and supercharging his powers. (Y'know - something that Ando should've tried IMMEDIATELY long before baby touch and go to give Hiro's powers back. How **** do you have to be to realise that the ONE character Ando hasn't used his power on is Hiro, who's currently depowered? COME ON.) Ando says all that'll do is amplify his powers, and that will kill him. Hiro points out it's what they have to do. Ando zaps Hiro.

Hiro's body springs up, and he and Ando hold onto each other as Hiro's body convluses, but not just in the bed... but throughout time. There is a TIME QUAKE. The scene where Hiro and Ando dig up Adam Munroe... Hiro convulses and Adam is never dug up. Consequently, Arthur never steals his healing power - instead he steals it from Peter. Hiro convulses and can't stop Danko from tranquilizing HRG. Hiro has to go to the White House instead, which means Nathan doesn't die. And on and on, lots and lots of different scenes and Hiro's convulsing, faster and faster, becoming completely indiscernible. He finally stops in the bed. Hiro and Ando look at each other. "What's changed?"




ALTERNATE TAKE 2: Hiro is touched by Ando, Hiro screams and suddenly is back in season 2 duelling with Adam Munroe. Adam Munroe goes to drop the SHANTI VIRUS. Hiro is disorientated and can't stop it. The virus hits the floor. Adam wins. The show can continue as though the writer's strike never happened. The virus dissipates into the air to cause havoc. Hiro does a double-take and says:


ALTERNATE TAKE 3: Hiro disappears. And is replaced with badass samurai Future Hiro. And Future Peter Petrelli.
FUTUREHiro: "Ando."
Ando: "Hiro?"
FUTUREHiro: "We're here to put the future back on course."


(That was the closest I could find to a good copy of the ending.)

That's my review.





(Yes - this ending was well set up with the dupe Sylar body but... DAMMIT. CLAIRE'S BLOOD. FOR ****'S SAKE!)

INTERESTING that in the flashbacks of Nathan's life, they don't show the scene where Nathan saves his brother from being a bomb. You know, that really IMPORTANT MOMENT IN HIS LIFE.


WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IN THE FINALE: Claire gives her blood to Nathan because HRG tells her too because THAT'S WHY HE'S ALIVE.

Then, after saving Nathan, Parkman mind reads Sylar to find out where the dead spot is. It's worked out through the Shoop Shoop Song. "How can I tell where the blade goes?" "Is it in his head?" "No, that's not the place!" "Is it in his chest!" "No, no, and you're not listening to all I say! If you wanna kill, Sylar dead, it's in his heel!" "It's in his heel!" "That's where it is, it's in his heel!" "His Achilles heel!"


HRG: "Claire honey, you know how I can breathe and continue to exist?"
Claire: "Yes?"
HRG: "It's because of your blood."
Peter: "That's right! I remember Adam giving some to Nathan to heal away his prosthetics!"
HRG: "That's right, Petey. So Claire, give some of your blood to Nathan."
Parkman: "FORGET SEASON 2."
HRG: "Hmm. There's no way to save Nathan. Quick, Parkman, do a mind erasing thing you've never done before that is certainly doomed to fail at a dramatic moment!"
Parkman: "I used to remember when I had trouble reading someone's mind. But I used my power to make myself forget that so that I can now command ARMIES."

RESET BUTTON: And now the company is back. **** YOU. The company only disappeared ONE VOLUME AGO. Half a season. And it was replaced immediately by another company. The company used to be a scary secret organisation with dozens and dozens of agents and face companies run by super powered billionaires who were rigging the US Presidency with a global network of super powered people, among whom was a 400-year old immortal. As far as I can tell, the company is NOW just Mama Petrelli and HRG. And no one else. Where is the Haitian and Claude and the sheer NUMBER OF HUMAN BEINGS the company needed to work? **** it. I can't watch this show if the writers can't even be bothered to remember their own scripts.

PARKMAN'S PLOT HOLE: Why doesn't Parkman wipe HRG and Mama Petrelli's memories so that THEY DON'T KNOW? Wouldn't that be desirable? If not, if it's best to know, then why not tell Peter or Claire the truth too? (BECAUSE THEY WOULD REMEMBER THAT CLAIRE'S BLOOD CAN TOTALLY SAVE NATHAN.) Why not kill Sylar after he makes nice-nice with President Worf? NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE.

I rate this finale: BULL****/10.

I am very very VERY VERY VERY glad they didn't use Claire's blood. that was ****ing stupid and they realize it so they aren't going to bring it up again. If you notice they reduced the power-level of everyone (except parkman, but that's fine because you can get away with a powerful telepath).

Why is Parkman walking around being omnipotent okay, but not anyone else? Oh, and Sylar's hardly been 'depowered'.

Thing is, depowering a character is fine. But they haven't depowered Claire or Sylar. They've just forgotten. Peter had his powers stolen and then reactivated by the serum. Hiro had his powers stolen too. Claire and HRG and Peter are just being stupid because the writers either forgot or didn't think to fix this problem before we got here.

It's stupid, sloppy writing. It's not hard to FIX this problem if they think its too much, but to just act like it never happened? HEROES does this all the time: It's not only inconsistent, but it has selective amnesia. It's a lazy piece of ****.

Here's a simple fix: Sylar LIGHTNING BLASTS NATHAN UNTIL HE'S ASH. This not only works but has the added bonus of answering the question, "WHAT THE **** DID THEY DO WITH NATHAN'S BODY?!?!?!?!?!"

These writers are rubbish.

Just comparing how Hiro put Monroe in the ground to what he did to the building 26 staff.

i do realize that they limited almost everyone's power and i don't think it's a bad thing.

Hiro's uber-power was not time-travelling nor teleporting - it was his stopping time. His time-travelling had the rule "He can't change the past" and his teleport just let him get around like Nathan's flying. His ability to stop time is what allowed him to solve every crisis and that's the one he kept. :arrgh:

I love what they did to Peter, but Parkman's power is just absurd now.


We'll still see plenty of Adrian Pasdar, but "Nathan" is dead.

Ah, crap. You guessed it.

Stupid. They should've killed Sylar for realz. Nathan was a far more interesting character than anyone else on the show.

Pretty sure they did. Genetics were a large part of Frank Herbert's Dune (which was released in 1966), so I'm sure the term has been around for a substantial enough amount of time before then...in fact, I could be remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure the term was coined by the monk who cross bred all those beans (basically to figure out recessive and dominant genes). As in all other science-related coin terms, its derived from Greek, IIRC.

But, yeah, the term "genetic" was around in 1961...not as big a part of culture as it is today, but it makes perfect sense for the US Army to be doing genetic experimentation (at least in regards to the show) in 1961.

The word has actually been used for the study of heredity since the 1800's

Thanks for clearing that up. I was just curious.
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