Well-Known Member
Goblet's on top, man.
Goodwill said:Goblet's on top, man.
nigma said:after buying this crap movie, im not at all impressed. its like they took out all the fun watching the the other kids battle the dragons. or some of the better lines for when they catch the fake mad-eye-moody. and what about the other teacher? the one from the other school, that went missing. and my faviriot part in the book was the inertaction between harry and dead Cedrics what went on in the train when Harry gave the twins his prize money for there shop. and plus the whole converstion between Harry/Fudge/Dumbledore in the medic wing.
so in all....this book would have made a better tv series then a moive.
Victor Von Doom I just watched this over the weekend...and I thought that aside from the first one--this had to be the best out of them all.
I never read the books...and really don't plan on it either. There's just something about reading that bores me to death. I've only been able to read Shakespear and Greek Mythonlogy like "Homer"...but that's aside the point.
The first film was great because the effect looked so damn real. Plus the newness of it all came together like Disney magic. The second and third film were ok. But this one was just really entertaining.
nigma said:you can read Shakespear but not harry potter :sure: but then again im the same away about the LOTR, never read the books, but the moives are cool.
need an E-copy? of the last 2 chapters at least....the only good stuff.
Victor Von Doom said:Yeah...but I've been reading Shakespear since 8th grade.
Planet-man said:And yet you don't know how to spell it...:roll:
Victor Von Doom said:Yeah...but I've been reading Shakespear since 8th grade.
Heaven forbid I mispell something on this inter-web-wold-net thingy!!!