The Timeline Guy
Using the UNSC Elephant during a big game of Team Slayer is ridiculously fun. I had a match once where we had both of them active and dueling each other, with an entire team crammed into each one.
Also, there's rumoured to be a funny message if you actually manage to flip one somehow. This is hard to confirm because I don't know anyone who it's happened to.
Yeah, something like Press X to Flip Elephant, then when you do it it says something about how heavy it is, how'd you do that, etc. Something like that...I was kind of stoned when I did it. In fact, its damn hard to flip over the Elephants because of how big and slow they are. I did it by getting onto the steepest slope of sand and my buddy hit my Elephant with another, perpindicular. Due to the slope of the hill it tipped over.